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'Whatever happened to all those attempts to change access to General Practice? Revisiting case studies to learn about innovation, impact and SUStainable change'

This study aims to describe and compare what happens, long term to general practices that have introduced innovations designed to improve access to appointments?

We will start by looking at all the different models of access that have been used, looking at all the published research and talking to doctors, patients, researchers and policymakers. We will then work with eight different general practices in England to learn as much as we can about the different systems they use, how and why they have been adapted locally and what they learnt about their system during the pandemic.

We will present the learning from the case studies in three workshops with healthcare professionals, policy makers and the public to translate the key messages into resources for practice and policy that support long term improvements in access to appointments for a truly patient centred general practice.

Funded by:

NIHR HSDR programme

Research team members:

University of Warwick - Associate Professor Helen Atherton, Co- Chief Investigator, Dr Carol Bryce, Dr Abi Eccles, Mrs Helen McGowan

University of Oxford - Professor Catherine Pope, Co-Chief Investigator, Professor Sue Ziebland, Dr Angela Martin, Dr Jen McClellan, Ms Toto Gronlund


University of Oxford


1st March 2022 - 31st May 2024

External Links

For more details please visit the main study page on the University of Oxford website.Link opens in a new window


Dr Helen Atherton