Postgraduate Education and Research Degrees
Diabetes Education
We deliver diabetes education to healthcare professionals on site at Warwick, offsite around the UK, and through e-learning. The 9 month part time Certificate in Diabetes course offers primary care postgraduate diabetes training has been completed by over 14,000 students and continues to be a highly valued course for GPs, practice nurses and other healthcare professionals delivering diabetes care in the community.
The Diabetes masters course can be studied either part-time or full-time and is available to take as a Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or full MSc comprised of 3 and 6 modules respectively.
We have recently partnered with the online education provider IHeed to deliver accredited diploma level diabetes teaching to healthcare professionals in the Middle East. Plans are afoot to develop a similar programme around cardiovascular disease management, atrial fibrillation and anti-coagulation.
Current provision can be found here with specific information around our diabetes offering here .
Research Degrees at Masters and Doctoral Level
Our community of doctoral research students are an integrated and valued part of the Unit. We encourage our students to take full advantage of working in a supportive interdisciplinary research environment, to develop their research interests and expertise, to develop their presentation skills, and to take on collegiate responsibilities. This includes a monthly journal club organised and hosted by doctoral research students and monthly researcher meetings with all researchers from across the unit. We are supportive of students gaining teaching experience.
Our doctoral research students are funded from a range of sources and include students working with industry as part of their studies. We strive to develop students as researchers and to maximise their potential during their time with us.
If you have any queries regarding undertaking a research degree within the Unit of Academic Primary Care, please contact Dr Helen Atherton h dot atherton at warwick dot ac dot uk