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Coventry Health Determinants Research Collaboration

Coventry City Council is one of ten local authorities across the UK which has been awardedLink opens in a new window funding (£5m over five years) to establish a Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) within Coventry from 1st October 2022.  The funding will be used by Coventry’s HDRC to build a research infrastructure within Coventry City Council over the next 5 years.

The NIHR has identified that whilst local authorities are best placed to facilitate research around the wider determinants, local authorities have traditionally lacked the required infrastructure and expertise to support such research. The HDRC programme seeks to address this by providing funding to grow research capacity within local authorities. Building on Coventry’s history of cross-sector engagement, this HDRC will operate as a true collaboration across University of Warwick, Coventry University, University College London, University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire, local voluntary sector organisations, and local communities. 

Coventry HDRC vision

We will embed a research consciousness within our organisation through the commitment of our Chief Executive and senior leadership team. Employees will be supported to develop research skills, and their voices and those of our communities will reverberate through everything the HRDC seeks to achieve.

 Our key aim is to function as a catalyst for change across local government, modelling the process and the success of our HDRC. Evidence-based decision making will become the norm and through robust research, we will produce generalisable evidence on strategies to reduce health inequalities. We will also maintain a strong focus on what matters to our communities. This will be achieved through strong political and corporate leadership, culture change, and alignment of priorities with our higher education.

Funded by


Warwick research team members

Paramjit Gill, Beck Taylor, Graeme Currie (WBS), Sophie Staniszewska


Lead: Coventry City Council

University of Warwick, University of Coventry, University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust, University College London, local voluntary sector organisations, and local communities 

Dates – from and to

1st Oct 2022 - 30th September 2027


Prof Paramjit Gill