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A pinch of salt

THE world's food is far too salty and too many countries are still ignoring the World Health Organisation's (WHO) guidelines on what should be a healthy level of salt in our daily diet , according to a report.
Fri 13 Apr 2007, 12:28

National salt guidelines ignore WHO advice, says Professor Cappuccio

Global salt intake is still too high, according to a leading academic, and many countries ignore the WHO's advice on a maximum intake of 5g/day by issuing guidance far in excess.
Fri 13 Apr 2007, 12:27

Cumulative lifetime exposure to other people's cigarette smoke and heart attack risk

People are much less likely to be exposed to second-hand smoke these days, a new study shows.

Dr. Saverio Stranges of the University at Buffalo in New York and colleagues had set out to investigate the association between cumulative lifetime exposure to other people's cigarette smoke and heart attack risk. They found no such link, but they did find a "dramatic decline" in reported second-hand smoke exposure over time.
Tue 03 Apr 2007, 13:06

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