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Our Research

The activities that make up the ISOBAR research programme are split across five distinct work packages.

Work Package 1

Synthesis of Literature

Starting with WP1 we will explore and develop an LMIC specific school-based intervention framework.

WP1 is led by Professor Thakur at PGIMER and Professor Giacco at the University of Warwick

Work Package 2

Training and School Recruitment

In WP2 we will recruit and train a hib of counsellors to deliver high quality counselling and support.

The leads for WP2 are Dr Pathare at CMHLP and Dr Bella-Awusah from the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan

Work Package 3

Implementation of Interventions

In WP3 we will build relationships, review pilot and implement the ISOBAR intervention.

WP3 is led by Dr Rangaswamy from SCARF and Professor Omigbodun at the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan.


Work Package 4


Our aim for WP4 is to determine change in the number of people accessing appropriate care.

The Warwick team will lead on WP4, led by Professor Singh.

Work Package 5


In WP5 we will disseminate ourt findings to policy makers, schools, the public and acedemia.

WP5 is led by Dr Iyer from McGill University and Dr Raghavan from SCARF.