Publications 2008
- Horwood, J., Thomas, K., Duffy, L., Gunnell, D., Hollis, C., Lewis, G., Thompson, A., Wolke, D., Zammitt, S. and Harrison G. (2008) IQ and Non-Clinical Psychotic Symptoms in 12-year olds: results from the ALSPAC birth cohort. British Journal of Psychiatry, 193(3), 185-191.
- Thompson, A., Barley, M., Sullivan, S., Strange, S., Moore, L, Rogers, P., Sipos, A. and Harrison, G. (2008) An intervention to reduce antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing in adult psychiatry wards: cluster randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 38(5), 705-715.
- Zammitt, S., Horwood, J., Thompson, A., Thomas, K., Menezes, P., Gunnell, D., Hollis, C., Wolke, D., Lewis, G. and Harrison G. (2008) Investigating if psychosis-like symptoms (PLIKS) are associated with family history of schizophrenia or paternal age in the ALSPAC birth cohort. Schizophrenia Research, 104(1-3), 279-286.
- Von dem Knesebeck O, Bonte M, Siegerist J, Marceau L, Link C, Arber S, Adams, A and McKinlay J. Country differences in the diagnosis and management of coronary heart disease – a comparison between the US, the UK and Germany, BMC Health Services Research, 2008, 8:198, doi:10.1186/1472-6963-8-198.
- Buckingham CD, Adams A and Mace C. Cues and knowledge structures used by mental health professionals when making risk assessments, Journal of Mental Health, 2008;17 (3): 299-314.
- Bonte M, vdKnesebeck O, Siegrist J, Marceau L, Link C, Arber S, Adams A and McKinlay J. Women and men with coronary heart disease in three countries. Are they treated differently? Women’s Health, 2008; Issues, 18: 191-198.
- Adams A, Buckingham C, Lindenmeyer A, McKinlay JB, Link C, Marceau L and Arber S. The influence of doctor and patient gender on diagnosing coronary heart disease, Sociology of Health and Illness, 2008; 30 (1): 1-18.
- Harriss L, Barlow J, Paul M. Specialist residential education for children with severe emotional and behavioural difficulties: Pupil, parent and staff perspectives. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 2008; 13(1), 31-47.
- Broome MR. Philosophy as the Science of Values: South West NeoKantianism and Psychiatric Interviewing. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, 2008; 15(2): 107-116.
- Barlow J, Schrader-MacMillan A, Carter Y, Paul M. Sidebotham P and Stewart-Brown S. Systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions in the treatment of emotional abuse, [Report, 2008].
- Barlow J, Schrader-MacMillan A, Barnes J, Smith M and Ghate D. Review of reviews - Child Health Promotion Programme, [Report, 2008].
- Harriss L, Barlow J, Paul M, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Specialist residential education for children emotional and behavioural difficulties: pupil, staff perspectives. Online Publication Date: 01 March 2008.
- Harland R, Antonova E, Owen GS, Broome M, Landau S, Deeley Q & Murray R. A study of psychiatrists' concepts of mental illness. Psychological Medicine, 2008.
- Fu CH, Brammer MJ, Yaguez L, Allen P, Matsumoto K, Johns L, Weinstein S, Borgwardt S, Broome M, McGuire PK & van Haren N. Increased superior temporal activation associated with external misattributions of self-generated speech in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 2008; 100(1-3): 361-363.
- Broome MR & McGuire PK. Imaging and delusions. In: Persecutory delusions: assessment, theory and treatment, ed.^eds. D. Freeman, R. Bentall & P. A. Garety, 2008; Oxford University Press.
- Bortolotti L & Broome M. Delusional beliefs and reasoning giving. Philosophical Psychology, 2008; 21(6): 821-841.
- Bortolotti L, Cox R, Broome M & Mameli M. Rationality and self-knowledge in delusions and confabulations: Implications for autonomy as self-governance. In: Autonomy and Mental Health. , ed.^eds. L. Radoilska, Oxford University Press (in press).
- Bramon E, Shaikh M, Broome M, Lappin J, Berge D, Day F, Woolley J, Tabraham P, Madre M, Johns L, Howes O, Valmaggia L, Perez V, Sham P, Murray RM & McGuire P. Abnormal P300 in people with high risk of developing psychosis. NeuroImage, 2008; 41(2): 553-560.
- Broome MR, Day F, Valli I, Valmaggia L, Johns L, Howes O, Garety P & McGuire P. Delusional ideation, manic symptomatology and working memory in a cohort at clinical high risk for psychosis: a longitudinal study. European Psychiatry: the Journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists (in press).
- Broome MR, Harland R, Owen G & Stringaris A (Eds.). The Maudsley Reader in Phenomenological Psychiatry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (in press).
- Fusar-Poli P, Crossley N, Woolley J, Carletti F, Perez-Iglesias R, Broome M, Johns L, Tabraham P, Bramon E & McGuire P. Gray matter alterations related to P300 abnormalities in subjects at high risk for psychosis: longitudinal MRI-EEG study. NeuroImage (in press) 55(1): 320-328.
- Fusar-Poli P, Crossley N, Woolley J, Carletti F, Perez-Iglesias R, Broome M, Johns L, Tabraham P, Bramon E & McGuire P. White matter alterations related to P300 abnormalities in individuals at high risk for psychosis: an MRI-EEG study. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience (in press) 36(4): 239-248.
- Fusar-Poli P, Howes O, Valli I, Allen P, Broome M, Grasby P & McGuire P. Multimodal functional imaging investigation before and after the onset of psychosis. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology Forthcoming, 2008; (-1): 1-3.
- Ratcliffe M & Broome M. Existential phenomenology, psychiatric illness and the death of possibilities. In: Cambridge Companion to Existentialism, ed.^eds. S. Crowell, Cambridge University Press (in press).
- Winton-Brown T, Johns L, Broome MR, Garety P & McGuire P. Misattributing speech and jumping to conclusions: a prospective study in people with prodromal signs of psychosis. Psychological Medicine (in press).
- Coe C, Boardman S. From temple to table: an innovative community health and lifestyle intervention aimed at a South Asian community Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care, 2008; 1 (2) 44 – 51.
- Cappuccio FP, Kerry SM, Adeyemo A, Luke A, Amoah AGB, Bovet P, Connor MD, Forrester T, Gervasoni J -P, Kaki GK, Plange-Rhule J, Thorogood M and Cooper RS. Body size and blood pressure: an analysis of Africans and the African diaspora, Epidemiology, 2008; 19 (1), 38 - 46 (1044-3983)
- Cappuccio FP. Commentary: controversies in NICE guidance on lipid modification for the prevention of cardiovascular disease', 2008; BMJ, 336 (7655), 1248 - 1249 (0959-535X) [article].
- Stranges S, Cappuccio FP, Kandala N-B, Miller MA, Taggart FM, Kumari M, Ferrie JE, Shipley MJ, Brunner EJ and Marmot MG. Cross-sectional versus prospective associations of sleep duration with changes in relative weight and body fat distribution: the Whitehall II study. American Journal Of Epidemiology, 2008; 167 (3), 321 - 329 (0002-9262).
- McCormack T and Cappuccio FP. Ten steps before you refer for: hypertension. British Journal Of Cardiology, The, 2008; 15 (5), 254 - 257 (0969-6113).
- Strazzullo P, Barbato A, Siani A, Cappuccio FP, Versiero M, Schiattarella P, Russo O, Avallone S, Della Valle E and Farinaro E. Diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome: a comparative analysis in an unselected sample of adult male population. Metabolism, 2008; 57 (3), 355 - 361 (0026-0495).
- Russo P, Siani A, Miller MA, Karanam S, Esposito T, Gianfrancesco F, Barba G, Lauria F, Strazzullo P and Cappuccio FP. Genetic variants of Y chromosome are associated with a protective lipid profile in black men. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis And Vascular Biology, 2008; 28 (8), 1569 - 1574 (1079-5642) [article].
- Costanzo S, Di Castelnuovo A, Zito F, Krogh V, Siani A, Arnout J, Cappuccio FP, Miller MA, Van Dongen M, De Lorgeril M, De Gaetano G, Donati MB, Iacoviello L and the European Collaborative Group of the IMMIDIET project. Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in healthy unrelated male-female pairs of European regions: the dietary habit profile in European communities with different risk of myocardial infarction - the impact of migration as a model of gene-environment interaction project. Journal Of Hypertension, 2008; 26 (12), 2303 - 2311 (0263-6352).
- Arcari A, Zito F, Di Castelnuovo A, De Curtis A, Dirckx C, Arnout J, Cappuccio FP, Van Dongen MCJM, De Lorgeril M, Krogh V, Siani A, Donati MB, De Gaetano G, Iacoviello L and The European Collaborative Group of the IMMIDIET Project. C reactive protein and its determinants in healthy men and women from European regions at different risk of coronary disease: the IMMIDIET Project. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2008; 6 (3), 436 - 443 (1538-7933)
- Stranges S, Dorn J M, Shipley MJ, Kandala N-B, Trevisan M, Miller MA, Donahue RP, Hovey KM, Ferrie JE, Marmot MG and Cappuccio FP. Correlates of short and long sleep duration: a cross-cultural comparison between the United Kingdom and the United States: the Whitehall II study and the western New York health study. American Journal Of Epidemiology, 2008; 168 (12), 1353 - 1364 (0002-9262).
- Cappuccio FP, Taggart FM, Kandala N-B, Currie A, Peile E, Stranges S and Miller MA. Meta-analysis of short sleep duration and obesity in children and adults. Sleep, 2008; 31 (5), 619 - 626 (0161-8105).
- Caulfield M J, Munroe PB, O'Neill D, Witkowska K, Charchar FJ, Doblado M, Evans S, Eyheramendy S, Onipinla A, Howard P, Shaw-Hawkins S, Dobson RJ, Wallace C, Newhouse SJ, Brown M, Connell JM, Dominiczak A, Farrall M, Lathrop GM, Samani NJ, Kumari M, Marmot M, Brunner E, Chambers J, Elliott P, Kooner J, Laan M, Org E, Veldre G, Viigimaa M, Cappuccio FP, Ji C, Iacone R, Strazzullo P, Moley KH and Cheeseman C. SLC2A9 is a high capacity urate transporter in humans. PLoS Medicine, 2008; 5 (10), e197 (1549-1277).
- Kandala N-B, Ji C, Stallard N, Stranges S and Cappuccio FP. Morbidity from diarrhoea, cough and fever among young children in Nigeria. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 2008; 102 (5), 427 - 445 (0003-4983) [article].
- Cappuccio FP and Lockley FW. Safety and the flying doctor. BMJ, 2008; 336 (7637), 218 - 218 (0959-535X) [article].
- Cappuccio FP, Kerry SM, Adeyemo A, et al. Body size and blood pressure : an analysis of Africans and the African diaspora. Epidemiology, 2008; 19 (1), 38 - 46 (1044-3983) [article].
- Cappuccio FP, Caulfield MJ, et al. SLC2A9 is a high-capacity urate transporter in humans, PLoS Medicine, 2008; 5 (10), (1549-1277) [article].
- Galletti F, D'Elia L, Barba G, Siani A, Cappuccio FP, Farinaro E, Iacone R, Russo O, De Palma D, Ippolito R and Strazzullo P. High-circulating leptin levels are associated with greater risk of hypertension in men independently of body mass and insulin resistance: results of an eight-year follow-up study. Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism, 2008; 93 (10), 3922 - 3926 (0021-972X)
- Cappuccio FP. Dietary salt reduction. In Therapy in nephrology and hypertension: a companion to Brenner and Rector's the kidney, 2008; 583- 590, Editors: Wilcox, C. S. (9781416054849) Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier.
- Kivimäki M, Lawlor DA, Smith GD, Kumari M, Donald A, Britton A, Casas JP, Shah T, Brunner E, Timpson NJ, Halcox JPJ, Miller MA, Humphries SE, Deanfield J, Marmot MG and Hingorani AD. Does high C-reactive protein concentration increase atherosclerosis? The Whitehall II study. PLoS One, 2008; 20 (3), e3013 (1932-6203) [article].
- Stranges S, Dorn JM, Shipley MJ, Kandala NB, Trevisan M, Miller MA, Donahue RP, Hovey KM, Ferrie JE, Marmot MG and Cappuccio FP. Correlates of short and long sleep duration: a cross-cultural comparison between the United Kingdom and the United States: the Whitehall II study and the Western New York health study. American Journal Of Epidemiology, 2008; 168 (12), 1353 - 1364 (0002-9262).
- Russo R, Siani A, Miller MA, Karanam S, Esposito T, Gianfrancesco F, Barba G, Lauria F, Strazzullo P and Cappuccio FP. Genetic variants of Y chromosome are associated with a protective lipid profile in black men. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis And Vascular Biology, 2008; 28 (8), 1569 - 1574 (1079-5642) [article].
- Brunner EJ, Kivimäki M, Witte DR, Lawlor DA, Davey Smith G, Cooper JA, Miller MA, Lowe GD, Rumley A, Casas JP, Shah T, Humphries SE, Hingorani AD, Marmot MG, Timpson NJ and Kumari M. Inflammation, insulin resistance, and diabetes ? Mendelian randomization using CRP haplotypes points upstream. PLoS Medicine, 2008; 5 (8), e155 (1549-1277) [article].
- Cappuccio FP, Taggart FM, Kandala N-B, Currie A, Peile E, Stranges S and Miller MA. Meta-analysis of short sleep duration and obesity in children and adults. Sleep, 2008; 31 (5), 619 - 626 (0161-8105).
- Stranges S, Cappuccio FP, Kandala, N-B, Miller MA, Taggart FM, Kumari M, Ferrie JE, Shipley MJ, Brunner EJ and Marmot MG. Cross-sectional versus prospective associations of sleep duration with changes in relative weight and body fat distribution: the Whitehall II study. American Journal Of Epidemiology, 2008; 167 (3), 321 - 329 (0002-9262).
- Costanzo S, Di Castelnuovo A, Zito F, Krogh V, Siani A, Arnout J, Cappuccio FP, Miller MA, Van Dongen M, De Lorgeril M, De Gaetano G, Donati MB and Iacoviello L, on behalf of the European Collaborative Group of the IMMIDIET project. Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in healthy unrelated male-female pairs of European regions: the dietary habit profile in European communities with different risk of myocardial infarction - the impact of migration as a model of gene-environment interaction project. Journal Of Hypertension, 2008;26 (12), 2303 - 2311 (0263-6352).
- Maylor EA, Sheehan B, Watson DG and Henderson EL. Enumeration in Alzheimer's disease and other late life psychiatric syndromes, Neuropsychologia, 2008; 46 (11), 2696 - 2708 (0028-3932) [article];
- Simkiss DE. The international classification of functioning disability and health. Journal Of Tropical Pediatrics, 2008; 54 (3), 149 - 150 (0142-6338).
- Simkiss DE. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal College of Ophthalmologists, British Association of Perinatal Medicine & BLISS. 'Guideline for the screening and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity', Royal College of Ophthalmologists & Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2008; An evidence based review of the screening and treatment of Retinopathy of prematurite [Monograph] [view].
- Singh SP, Paul M, Ford T, Kramer T, Weaver T. Transitions of Care from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to Adult Mental Health Services (TRACK Study): A study of protocols in Greater London. BMC Health Services, 2008; 8:135-41.
- Paul M, Berriman, JA, Evans. Would I attend Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)? Fourteen to sixteen year olds decide. Child And Adolescent Mental Health, 2008; 13 (1), 19-25.
- Singh SP, Paul M et al. Transitions of Care from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to Adult Mental Health Services (TRACK Study): A study of protocols in Greater London BMC Health Services Research, 2008; 8:135-142.
- O’Brien A, Fahmy R & Singh SP. Disengagement with mental health services: a literature review. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2008
- Singh SP & Merino C. Treatment of first-episode and prodromal signs. Psychiatry, C(2008) 7, 467-471
- Singh SP, Paul M et al. Transitions of Care from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to Adult Mental Health Services (TRACK Study): A study of protocols in Greater London BMC Health Services Research, 2008; 8:135-142.
- King M, Walker C, Levy G, Bottomley C, Royston P, Weich S, Bellón-Saameño JA, Moreno B, Svab I, Rotar D, Rifel J, Maaroos HI, Aluoja A, Kalda R, Neeleman J, Geerlings MI, Xavier M, Carraça I, Gonçalves-Pereira M, Vicente B, Saldivia S, Melipillan R, Torres-Gonzalez F, Nazareth I. Development and validation of an international risk prediction algorithm for episodes of major depression in general practice attendees: the predictD study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2008; 65, 1368-1376.
- Walters K, Buszewicz M, Weich S. and King M. Help-seeking preferences for psychological distress in primary care: effect of current mental state. British Journal of General Practice, 2008; 58, 694-698.
- King M, Nazareth I, Levy G, Walker C, Morris R, Weich S, et al. Prevalence of common mental disorders in general practice attendees across Europe: the PREDICT study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2008; 192, 362-367.
- Jenkins R, Bhugra D, Bebbington P, Brugha T, Farrell M, Coid J, Fryers T, Weich S, Singleton N and Meltzer H. Debt income and mental disorder in the general population. Psychological Medicine, 2008; 38, 1485-1493.
- Hennessy EM, Bracewell MA, Wood N, Wolke D, Costeloe K, Gibson A, et al. Respiratory health in pre-school and school age children following extremely preterm birth. Arch Dis Child, 2008; 93(12), 1037-1043.
- Bracewell MA, Hennessy EM, Wolke D, & Marlow N. The EPICure study: growth and blood pressure at 6 years of age following extremely preterm birth. Arch. Dis. Child. Fetal Neonatal Ed., 2008; 93(2), F108-114.
- Johnson S, Wolke D & Marlow N. Outcome Monitoring in Preterm Populations. ZeitschriftfürPsychologie / Journal of Psychology, 2008; 216(3), 135-146.
- Samara M, Marlow N, Wolke D & for the ESG. Pervasive Behavior Problems at 6 Years of Age in a Total-Population Sample of Children Born at <=25 Weeks of Gestation. Pediatrics, 2008; 122(3), 562-573.
- Horwood J, Salvi G, Thomas K, Duffy L, Gunnell D, Hollis C, Wolke D et al. IQ and non-clinical psychotic symptoms in 12-year-olds: results from the ALSPAC birth cohort. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2008; 193(3), 185-191.
- Zammit S, Horwood J, Thompson A, Thomas K, Menezes P, Gunnell D, Wolke D et al. Investigating if psychosis-like symptoms (PLIKS) are associated with family history of schizophrenia or paternal age in the ALSPAC birth cohort. Schizophrenia Research, 2008; 104(1-3), 279-286.
- Verrips E, Vogels T, Saigal S, Wolke D, Meyer R, Hoult L et al. Health-Related Quality of Life for Extremely Low Birth Weight Adolescents in Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands. Pediatrics, 2008; 122(3), 556-561.
- Wolke D & Sapouna M. Big men feeling small: Childhood bullying experience, muscle dysmorphia and other mental health problems in bodybuilders. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2008; 9(5), 595-604.
- Wolke D, Samara M, Bracewell M & Marlow N. Specific Language Difficulties and School Achievement in Children Born at 25 Weeks of Gestation or Less. The Journal of Pediatrics, 2008; 152(2), 256-262.
- Johnson S, Wolke D & Marlow N. Developmental assessment of preterm infants at 2 years: validity of parent reports. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 2008; 50(1), 58-62.
- Johnson S, Wolke D, & Marlow N. Developmental assessment of preterm infants at 2 years: ask the parents. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 2008; 50(1): 58-62.
- Johnson SJ, Trikic, R, Smith, R. Fawke, J, Dieter, W and Marlow N. Cognitive and educational outcomes at 11 years following extremely preterm birth. In: Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health 12th Spring meeting, York, April. Published in: Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2008; Vol.93 (Suppl.1). A3-A4.
- Johnson S, D Wolke, et al. Plenary 4 - P17 Behaviour Problems and Attention in Extremely Preterm Children at 11 years. Arch Dis Child 2008; 93(Suppl_1): A73-74.
- Horwood J, Thomas K, Duffy L, Gunnell D, Hollis C, Lewis G, Thompson A, Wolke D, Zammitt S, Harrison G. 108 - Frequency of psychosis-like symptoms in a non-clinical population of 12 year olds: Results from the Alspac Birth Cohort. Schizophrenia Research, 2008; 98(Supplement 1), 77-78.