Information For Researchers
The Human Metabolic Research Unit is focused on providing an open and inclusive research environment, with an agenda of increasing collaborations both academic and industrial, within the UK and internationally.
In order to encourage successful research collaboration all applications must complete a short application form that is reviewed by the HMRU New Business Committee. Applications are reviewed to ensure the research can be conducted at the HMRU in a safe and secure maner, and the HMRU, or associated partners, have the skills neccessary to complete the research to the highest quality.
If the HMRU can support the application, the committee may allocate a senior academic member of the HMRU to act as a consultant/advisor to assist the applicant’s team throughout study, from design to data analysis. The advisors role will be to liaise with potential collaborators to ensure they understand:
- Procedures to be used in the HMRU
- Required training and preparation
- Best practice in setting up experiments using the facility
Please email HMRU at uhcw dot nhs dot uk for the application template or if you have any enquiries prior to submission.