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Alastair Canaway

Job Title
Research Fellow
WMS - Warwick Clinical Trials Unit
Web Link
Research Interests

I work on a number of clinical trials in addition to analyses with routine data. Additionally I provide health economic input for the Research Design Service (RDS). Current studies include: PROSPER (Breast cancer rehabilitation), ADCARE (Acute day units), SPHERe (exercise rehabilitation in people with pulmonary hypertension), SOS (Hyperosmolar therapy in traumatic brain injury). Research interests include: Economic evaluation with a focus on methodologically challenging areas: Mental health care, end of life care, rehabilitation, obesity and outcome measurement.


BA Economics (2006-2009) - University of Sheffield. MSc Economics and Health Economics (2009-2010) - University of Sheffield. Research Fellow in health economics (2010-2012) - University of Birmingham. PhD in Health Economics (2012-2015) - University of Birmingham. Research Fellow in health economics (2014-2015) - University of Birmingham. Research Fellow in health economics (2015-present) - University of Warwick.

Title Funder Award start Award end
NIHR PRP: One-to-one Peer support for family members and friends of patients treated under the mentAL health act (OPAL)", National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jun 2021 30 Nov 2023
Research Design Service renewal 2018 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2018 30 Sept 2023