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Prof. Bethany Shinkins

Job Title
WMS - Health Sciences
Web Link
Research Interests

My research focuses on the evaluation of medical tests, spanning a wide range of diseases and clinical settings. I am particularly interested in improving the methodology used to evaluate diagnostic and screening tests.


I recently joined the University of Warwick and I am a member of Warwick Evidence and Warwick Screening. I work on a large portfolio of applied test evaluation projects, including RCTs, analyses of routinely collected data, and economic modelling studies. I also undertake reviews and evidence synthesis on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of medical tests for the NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme on behalf of a range of policy makers, including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Title Funder Award start Award end
Rapid, Multiplexed, Testing for Urinary Tract Infections EPSRC 01 Sep 2023 31 Aug 2026
CanDx-TPP: Stimulating innovation and research in early cancer diagnostics through the development of Target Product Products Cancer Research UK 01 Mar 2024 31 Jul 2025