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Emma Scott

Job Title
Senior Research Fellow
WMS - Social Science and Systems in Health
(024) 76574654
Research Interests

Behaviour change interventions to promote health

Developing Complex Interventions

The effect of lifestyle changes on the recovery from and prognosis after treatment for primary breast cancer

The unmet needs of women living with secondary breast cancer


Emma joined WMS in August 2013 as a Senior Research Fellow. Prior to this she was a Research Fellow in the Clinical Trials Research Unit at the University of Sheffield and manager of the Sheffield Hub of the NIHR Research Design Service for Yorkshire & the Humber.

She has experience of co-ordinating several large scale randomised controlled trials. These include the NIHR HTA funded "Sheffield Physical Activity Booster Study" and the DEBRA study which was funded by the American Institute for Cancer Research. Booster examined the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different levels of Booster intervention to help maintain physical activity levels in newly active adults. The DEBRA study explored the effect of changes in Diet and Exercise on Biomarkers associted with Recurrence After treatment for breast cancer.

Emma has a M.Sci. in Sports Medicine from Glasgow University. She obtained her PhD in 2007 from the University of Birmingham before undertaking a post-doctoral research fellowship at Sheffield Hallam University.

Title Funder Award start Award end
Cancer related fatigue CRF Busary Research Design Service West Midlands PIF National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 28 Jan 2016 27 Mar 2016