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Karin Eli

Job Title
Assistant Professor (Research Focussed)
WMS - Health Sciences
Web Link

Karin Eli is a medical anthropologist working on the ReSPECT Evaluation Study, where her research focuses on understanding the structural, experiential, and ethical underpinnings of clinical decision making in emergency treatment planning. She is also a deputy director of the Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity at the University of Oxford's School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, where she continues her long-standing research on eating disorders and childhood obesity. Karin collaborates extensively across disciplines, and has published in numerous anthropological, clinical, and interdisciplinary journals. She is also committed to public engagement, and is the co-founder and co-host of the podcast "Changing the conversation about eating disorders".

Title Funder Award start Award end
An Anthropological Approach to Eating Disorders: Developing an Innovative Socio-cultural Strategy for Research, Treatment and Prevention MRC 01 Nov 2023 31 Oct 2026