Karin Eli is a medical anthropologist working on the ReSPECT Evaluation Study, where her research focuses on understanding the structural, experiential, and ethical underpinnings of clinical decision making in emergency treatment planning. She is also a deputy director of the Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity at the University of Oxford's School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, where she continues her long-standing research on eating disorders and childhood obesity. Karin collaborates extensively across disciplines, and has published in numerous anthropological, clinical, and interdisciplinary journals. She is also committed to public engagement, and is the co-founder and co-host of the podcast "Changing the conversation about eating disorders".
- Schneider, Tanja, Eli, Karin, 2023. The digital labor of ethical food consumption : a new research agenda for studying everyday food digitalization. Agriculture and Human Values, 40, pp. 489-500
- Eli, Karin, 2023. After the appointment. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
- Parrish, Sabine, Lavis, Anna, Potter, Caroline M., Ulijaszek, Stanley, Nowicka, Paulina, Eli, Karin, 2022. How active can preschoolers be at home? Parents' and grandparents' perceptions of children's day-to-day activity, with implications for physical activity policy. Social Science & Medicine, 292
- Sandvik, Pernilla, Kuronen, Sami, Reijs Richards, Hannah, Eli, Karin, Ek, Anna, Somaraki, Maria, Nowicka, Paulina, 2022. Associations of preschoolers' dietary patterns with eating behaviors and parental feeding practices at a 12-month follow-up of obesity treatment. Appetite, 168
- 'Nowicka, Paulina, 'Ek, Anna, 'Grafstr?m, Emeli, 'Johansson, Tora, 'Nordin, Karin, 'Neuman, Nicklas, 'Reijs Richards, Hannah, 'Eli, Karin, 2022. 'How do interpersonal relationships affect children's weight management? A qualitative analysis of parents' long-term perceptions after obesity treatment. Childhood Obesity, 18 (4), pp. 274-280
- 'Nowicka, P., 'Ek, A., 'Jurca-Simina, I. E., 'Bouzas, C., 'Argelich, E., 'Nordin, K., 'Garc?a, S., 'Vasquez Barquero, M. Y., 'Hoffer, U., 'Reijs Richards, H., 'Tur, J. A., 'Chirita-Emandi, A., 'Eli, K., 2022. 'Explaining the complex impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children with overweight and obesity : a comparative ecological analysis of parents? perceptions in three countries. BMC Public Health, 22 (1)
- 'Eli, Karin, 'Neovius, Catharina, 'Nordin, Karin, 'Brissman, Markus, 'Ek, Anna, 2022. 'Parents? experiences following conversations about their young child?s weight in the primary health care setting : a study within the STOP project. BMC Public Health, 22 (1)
- Hawkes, Claire A., Griffin, James M., Eli, Karin, Griffiths, Frances, Slowther, Anne-Marie, Fritz, Zoe?, Underwood, Martin, Baldock, Catherine, Gould, Douglas W., Lilford, Richard, Jacques, Claire, Warwick, Jane, Perkins, Gavin D., 2022. Implementation of ReSPECT in acute hospitals : a retrospective observational study. Resuscitation, 178, pp. 26-35
- Eli, Karin, Lavis, Anna, 2022. Material environments and the shaping of anorexic embodiment : towards a materialist account of eating disorders. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 46, pp. 344-363
- Neuman, Nicklas, Jörnvi, Anna, Ek, Anna, Nordin, Karin, Eli, Karin, Nowicka, Paulina, 2022. Children?s experiences of meals after obesity treatment : a qualitative follow-up four years after a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics, 22 (1)
- Eli, Karin, Huxley, Caroline J., Hawkes, Claire, Perkins, Gavin D., Slowther, Anne-Marie, Griffiths, Frances, 2022. Why are some ReSPECT conversations left incomplete? A qualitative case study analysis. Resuscitation Plus, 10
- Eli, Karin, Hawkes, Claire, Perkins, Gavin D., Slowther, Anne-Marie, Griffiths, Frances, 2022. Caring in the silences : why physicians and surgeons do not discuss emergency care and treatment planning with their patients ? an analysis of hospital-based ethnographic case studies in England. BMJ Open, 12 (3)
- Nowicka, Paulina, Ek, Anna, Grafström, Emeli, Johansson, Tora, Nordin, Karin, Neuman, Nicklas, Reijs Richards, Hannah, Eli, Karin, Nowicka, Paulina, Ek, Anna, Grafström, Emeli, Johansson, Tora, Nordin, Karin, Neuman, Nicklas, Reijs Richards, Hannah, Eli, Karin, 2021. How do interpersonal relationships affect children's weight management? A qualitative analysis of parents' long-term perceptions after obesity treatment. Childhood Obesity
- Eli, Karin, Hawkes, Claire, Ochieng, Cynthia, Huxley, Caroline J., Baldock, Catherine, Fortune, Peter-Marc, Fuld, Jonathan, Perkins, Gavin D., Slowther, Anne-Marie, Griffiths, Frances, 2021. Why, when and how do secondary-care clinicians have emergency care and treatment planning conversations? Qualitative findings from the ReSPECT evaluation study. Resuscitation, 162, pp. 343-350
- Huxley, Caroline J., Eli, Karin, Hawkes, Claire, Perkins, Gavin D., George, Rob, Griffiths, Frances, Slowther, Anne-Marie, 2021. General practitioners? experiences of emergency care and treatment planning in England : a focus group study. BMC Family Practice, 22 (1)
- Eli, Karin, Hawkes, Claire, Fritz, Zoe?, Griffin, James M., Huxley, Caroline J., Perkins, Gavin D., Wilkinson, Anna, Griffiths, Frances, Slowther, Anne-Marie, 2021. Assessing the quality of ReSPECT documentation using an accountability for reasonableness framework. Resuscitation Plus, 7
- Neuman, Nicklas, Eli, Karin, Nowicka, Paulina, 2021. Childhood memories of food and eating in lower-income families in the United States : a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 21 (1)
- Apolzan, John W., Somaraki, Maria, Ek, Anna, Eli, Karin, Ljung, Sofia, Mildton, Veronica, Sandvik, Pernilla, Nowicka, Paulina, 2021. Parenting and childhood obesity : validation of a new questionnaire and evaluation of treatment effects during the preschool years. PLoS One, 16 (9)
- Ek, Anna, Nordin, Karin, Nyström, Christine Delisle, Sandvik, Pernilla, Eli, Karin, Nowicka, Paulina, 2020. Responding positively to ?children who like to eat? : parents' experiences of skills-based treatment for childhood obesity. Appetite, 145
- Eli, Karin, Ochieng, Cynthia, Hawkes, Claire, Perkins, Gavin D., Couper, Keith, Griffiths, Frances, Slowther, Anne-Marie, 2019. Secondary care consultant clinicians' experiences of conducting emergency care and treatment planning conversations in England : an interview-based analysis. BMJ Open, 10
- Sjunnestrand, My, Nordin, Karin, Eli, Karin, Nowicka, Paulina, Ek, Anna, 2019. Planting a seed - child health care nurses' perceptions of speaking to parents about overweight and obesity : a qualitative study within the STOP project. BMC Public Health, 19
- Sandvik, Pernilla, Ek, Anna, Eli, Karin, Somaraki, Maria, Bottai, Matteo, Nowicka, Paulina, 2019. Picky eating in an obesity intervention for preschool-aged children - what role does it play, and does the measurement instrument matter?. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 16 (1)
- Bergman, Karolin, Eli, Karin, Osowski, Christine Persson, Lövestam, Elin, Nowicka, Paulina, 2019. Public expressions of trust and distrust in governmental dietary advice in Sweden. Qualitative Health Research, 29 (8), pp. 1161-1173
- Neuman, Nicklas, Eli, Karin, Nowicka, Paulina, 2019. Feeding the extended family : gender, generation, and socioeconomic disadvantage in food provision to children. Food, Culture & Society, 22 (1), pp. 45-62
- Eiffener, Elodie, Eli, Karin, Ek, Anna, Sandvik, Pernilla, Somaraki, Maria, Kremers, Stef, Sleddens, Ester, Nowicka, Paulina, 2019. The influence of preschoolers' emotional and behavioural problems on obesity treatment outcomes : secondary findings from a randomized controlled trial. Pediatric Obesity
- Bergman, Karolin, Persson-Osowski, Christine, Eli, Karin, Lövestam, Elin, Elmståhl, Helena, Nowicka, Paulina, 2018. Stakeholder responses to governmental dietary guidelines. British Food Journal, 120 (3), pp. 613-624
- Sandvik, Pernilla, Ek, Anna, Somaraki, Maria, Hammar, Ulf, Eli, Karin, Nowicka, Paulina, 2018. Picky eating in Swedish preschoolers of different weight status : application of two new screening cut-offs. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 15 (1)
- Eli, Karin, 2018. Latin American countries lead in Google search volumes for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa : implications for global mental health research. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51 (12), pp. 1352-1356
- Eli, Karin, 2018. Distinct and untamed : articulating bulimic identities. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 42 (1), pp. 159-179
- Somaraki, Maria, Eli, Karin, Sorjonen, Kimmo, Flodmark, Carl-Erik, Marcus, Claude, Faith, Myles S., Osowski, Christine Persson, Ek, Anna, Nowicka, Paulina, 2018. Perceived child eating behaviours and maternal migrant background. Appetite, 125, pp. 302-313
- Eli, Karin, Lavis, Anna, 2018. Becoming fit to be a mother : class, learning, and redemption in Supersize vs Superskinny. Journal of Gender Studies, 27 (2), pp. 129-140
- Eli, Karin, 2018. Striving for liminality : eating disorders and social suffering. Transcultural Psychiatry, 55 (4), pp. 475-494
- Schneider, Tanja, Eli, Karin, McLennan, Amy, Dolan, Catherine, Lezaun, Javier, Ulijaszek, Stanley, 2017. Governance by campaign : the co-constitution of food issues, publics and expertise through new information and communication technologies. Information, Communication & Society, 22 (2), pp. 172-192
- Eli, Karin, Hörnell, Agneta, Etminan Malek, Mahnoush, Nowicka, Paulina, 2017. Water, juice, or soda? Mothers and grandmothers of preschoolers discuss the acceptability and accessibility of beverages. Appetite, 112, pp. 133-142
- Somaraki, Maria, Eli, Karin, Ek, Anna, Lindberg, Louise, Nyman, Jonna, Marcus, Claude, Flodmark, Carl-Erik, Pietrobelli, Angelo, Faith, Myles S, Sorjonen, Kimmo, Nowicka, Paulina, 2017. Controlling feeding practices and maternal migrant background : an analysis of a multicultural sample. Public Health Nutrition, 20 (5), pp. 848-858
- Eli, Karin, Sorjonen, Kimmo, Mokoena, Lincoln, Pietrobelli, Angelo, Flodmark, Carl-Erik, Faith, Myles S., Nowicka, Paulina, 2016. Associations between maternal sense of coherence and controlling feeding practices : the importance of resilience and support in families of preschoolers. Appetite, 105, pp. 134-143
- Eli, Karin, 2016. ?The body remembers' : narrating embodied reconciliations of eating disorder and recovery. Anthropology & Medicine, 23 (1), pp. 71-85
- Ek, Anna, Sorjonen, Kimmo, Eli, Karin, Lindberg, Louise, Nyman, Jonna, Marcus, Claude, Nowicka, Paulina, 2016. Associations between parental concerns about preschoolers' weight and eating and parental feeding practices : results from analyses of the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire, the Child Feeding Questionnaire, and the Lifestyle Behavior Checklist. PLoS One, 11 (1)
- Eli, Karin, Howell, Kyndal, Fisher, Philip A., Nowicka, Paulina, 2016. A question of balance : explaining differences between parental and grandparental perspectives on preschoolers' feeding and physical activity. Social Science & Medicine, 154, pp. 28-35
- Eli, Karin, Dolan, Catherine, Schneider, Tanja, Ulijaszek, Stanley, 2016. Mobile activism, material imaginings, and the ethics of the edible : framing political engagement through the Buycott app. Geoforum, 74, pp. 63-73
- Eli, Karin, Kay, Rosie, 2015. Choreographing lived experience: dance, feelings and the storytelling body. Medical Humanities, 41 (1), pp. 63-68
- Eli, Karin, 2015. Binge eating as a meaningful experience in bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa : a qualitative analysis. Journal of Mental Health, 24 (6), pp. 363-368
- Cicmil, Nela, Eli, Karin, 2014. Body image among eating disorder patients with disabilities : a review of published case studies. Body image, 11 (3), pp. 266-274
- Eli, Karin, 2014. Between difference and belonging : configuring self and others in inpatient treatment for eating disorders. PLoS One, 9 (9)
- Eli, Karin, Howell, Kyndal, Fisher, Philip A., Nowicka, Paulina, 2014. ?A little on the heavy side?: a qualitative analysis of parents' and grandparents' perceptions of preschoolers' body weights : Table 1. BMJ Open, 4 (12)
- Eli, Karin, 2014. Eating disorders during compulsory service in the Israeli defense forces. Military Behavioral Health, 2 (1), pp. 89-97
- Eli, Karin, Howell, Kyndal, Fisher, Philip A., Nowicka, Paulina, 2014. ?Those comments last forever?: parents and grandparents of preschoolers recount how they became aware of their own body weights as children. PLoS One, 9 (11)
- Eli, Karin, 2014. An embodied belonging : amenorrhea and anorexic subjectivities. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 1 (1)
- Nowicka, Paulina, Eli, Karin, Ng, Janet, Apitzsch, Erwin, Sundgot-Borgen, Jorunn, 2013. Moving from knowledge to action : a qualitative study of elite coaches' capacity for early intervention in cases of eating disorders. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 8 (2), pp. 343-355
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
An Anthropological Approach to Eating Disorders: Developing an Innovative Socio-cultural Strategy for Research, Treatment and Prevention | MRC | 01 Nov 2023 | 31 Oct 2026 |