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Dr. Ana Raquel Nunes

Job Title
Assistant Professor (Research Focussed)
WMS - Warwick Clinical Trials Unit
Research Interests

Public Health, Health Promotion, Disease Prevention.
Global Health and Planetary Health.
Health in All Policies.
Wider determinants of health.
Asset-based approaches and assets for health.
Net zero and health.
Sustainability and health.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and health.
Relationship between the environment and health.
Extreme weather events, compound extreme events.
Vulnerability, Resilience, and Adaptation assessments.
Resilience building interventions.
Research methodologies.
Mixed methods research.


Ana Raquel Nunes has over 20 years' experience working across the field of public health, having held positions in universities, hospitals and in the World Health Organization (WHO). She began her career as a Biomedical Scientist and Public Health Researcher investigating the health impacts of heatwaves. More recently she worked as a Consultant for Living Environments at the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health (ECEH), where she was responsible for supporting the implementation, analysis and evaluation of the Local Housing and Health Action Plan (LHHAP) project

Raquel holds a PhD in Public Health and Environmental Sciences, a MPhil in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies and a master degree in Public Health (MPH), where she specialised in health promotion and health protection. She holds a dual degree in Biomedical Science and Public Health.

Since September 2023, Raquel is the Principal Investigator on the GPNET-0 Study - Implementation of decarbonisation actions in General Practice to help achieve a net zero NHS: A mixed methods study of institutional, organisational, professional, and patient factors, a 30-month study funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

Raquel is a co-author on the 'WHO guidance on research methods for health emergency and disaster risk management' book, Chapter 3.2 Disaster risk factors ? hazards, exposure and vulnerability . She has published widely in interdisciplinary journals such as BMJ Global Health, The Lancet Planetary Health, PLOS One, International Journal of Environmental Health Research, Weather, Climate and Society, Natural Hazards and, Environment, Development and Sustainability.

Her research has influenced science and policy of health, health promotion, climate change and sustainable development through citations in the landmark reports: 'Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability', The Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report ; A future for the world's children? A WHO?UNICEF?Lancet Commission ; Alma-Ata at 40 years: reflections from the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health

Raquel was invited for a Q&A interview with The Observer/The Guardian about her research on heatwaves: Ana Raquel Nunes ? Extreme weather reveals the fragility of people and places (2021) ; and she was interviewed by New Scientist about heatwaves and extreme heat: Why are heatwaves dangerous and how does extreme heat affect the body? (2022)

Raquel has been involved in peer-reviewed work for the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), NIHR (National Institute for Health Research), ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council), ICSU (International Council for Science), WIREs Climate Change, BMC Public Health, American Journal of Public Health (AJPH), Journal of Public Health (JPH), and the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). She was a member of the Netherlands' Government Review team, reviewing the Human Health Chapter for the Fifth Assessment Report of Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), organized by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2013).

Raquel was invited by the Science Policy Centre at the Royal Society to provide expert opinion on a range of biophysical interventions for improving resilience to heatwaves aiming at reducing the impact of hazards on people and communities on a project examining human resilience to extreme weather (2014).

Raquel was also invited to review the most recent report by the ICSU 'A guide to SDG interactions: from science to implementation' (2018).

Raquel joined the Warwick Medical School (WMS) in January 2015 and is currently an Assistant Professor. She contributes to research within the Warwick Medical School through the writing of grant proposals for funding and provides support and advice on research proposals for submission to peer-review funding for the NIHR Research Support Service (RSS) Hub delivered by the University of Birmingham and Partners. Additionally, she also contributes to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervision within the WMS (MB ChB, MPH, PhD).

Title Funder Award start Award end
A mixed methods evaluation of how general practice is engaging with the NHS net zero goal, an what is needed to promote decarbonisation (The GPNET-0 study) (NIHR HS&DR STAGE 2) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2023 28 Feb 2026
Research Design Service renewal 2018 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2018 30 Sep 2023
Public Involvement Fund for Raquel Nunes National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 19 Jun 2023 18 Aug 2023
Compound dry-hot extreme events ? enablers and barriers to individual and community preparedness and response Quadrature Climate Foundation (QCF) 01 Sep 2021 01 Dec 2021