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Saval Khanal

Job Title
Research Fellow in Health Economics
WMS - Health Sciences
Research Interests

Saval is interested in the economic evaluation and decision making in health and the application of different decision modelling for Health Technology Assessment.


Saval is a Research Fellow in Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment at the Warwick Evidence Technology Assessment Group in Warwick Medical School. He provides health economics analyses support to produce health technology assessment reports for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). The current project focuses on the health technology assessment of chronic migraine treatment in adults. The day-to-day activities include analysis of complex datasets, mixed treatment comparisons, and cost-effectiveness models (including patient-level and micro-simulation models). His prior experience included working as the Research Fellow in the Behavioural Science Group at Warwick Business School (UK) and Centre for Applied Health Economics at Griffith University (Australia); Lecturer of Pharmacoecnomics and Management at Sunsari Technical College, Tribhuvan University (Nepal); Hospital and Clinical Pharmacist at the Manipal Teaching Hospital (Nepal). Saval holds PhD (Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics) from the University of Queensland, Australia. He was trained in Social and Administrative pharmacy while he pursued his MSc from the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. At present, he is an active Pharmaceutical Scientist Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. He is also a member of the International Pharmaceutical Federation, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, and International Health Economics Association. Teaching Activities Topic: Economics of Precision Medicine (Module: MD2B4 (21/22) Interactions: Environment and Gene), Year 2, BSc. Health and Medical Sciences Supervision Saval is open for student supervision, especially around evidence synthesis, health outcomes and health economics.