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Improving Safety and Quality in Health Care

NHS staff from all professions will need to acquire an understanding of analytic tools and techniques that help determine the system deficiencies and approaches to ensuring issues identified can be addressed.

The Improving Safety and Quality in Health Care module will enable you to reflect on the challenges of improving healthcare delivery and specifically enhancing patient safety. The module incorporates the latest thinking relating to improvement models and the contribution of human factors to patient safety.



Course type: Module

Available as a Stand-alone Course? No

Module Leaders: Bernard Crump and Mark Sujan

Duration: 4 days

Credits: 20

Module Code: MH940

Assessment: 4,000 word assignment


Funding Opportunities

Next Course:

End Point Assessment – Advanced Practice

How to apply: To apply you will need to apply for the Postgraduate Certificate

Available on which courses?

  • Day 1
    • Understanding the concept of variation in healthcare, how it can be identified and measured
    • Reflect upon the link between variation in delivery systems and overall system reliability and resilience
    • Explore the connection between variation, system performance and patient safety
  • Day 2
    • Explore models of improvement, the strengths and weaknesses of various tools and techniques
    • Understand systems thinking from the perspective of improvement and performance
    • Analyse the difference between personal v systems failure in contributing to patient safety
  • Day 3
    • Measurement of system performance, specifically statistical process control, risk assurance, both qualitative and quantitative data
    • Contribution of patient (user input to health system assessment)
    • The potential learning from other sectors, notably the nature and contribution of safety cases to improving patient safety
  • Day 4
    • The nature of error/failure modes and assessment approaches
    • Contribution of human factors, performance influencing factors and organisational culture to improvement and safety
    • Engagement of staff in improvement/safety and sustainability of interventions/improvements
  • Day 5
    • Matching capacity and demand in healthcare
    • Learning from other industries
    • Assignment planning

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Understand and critically appraise the evidence relating to variation in health system delivery and its contribution to patient safety
  • Understand and critically appraise a range of health service models of improvement
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of systems thinking, assessment and measurement approaches involved in service improvement and patient safety
  • Understand and critically evaluate factors that create improved organisational performance and sustainable improvement in patient safety
  • Reflect on personal contribution to creating safer organisational cultures and continuous service improvement