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Introduction to Leadership in Health Care


Leader: Bernard Crump

Duration: 4 days (2+2)

4,000 word assignment

CATS: 20

Code: MH942

Managers and leaders need to learn and adapt, and to focus on improving cultures and conditions for staff that stimulate the improvement of care for patients and communities.

Based around the Healthcare Leadership Model developed by the NHS Leadership Academy, this new module allows students to reflect on their managerial and leadership behaviours and skills, and to develop these and others required to meet the current and future needs of the NHS

More Aims and Learning outcomes


  • Day 1 - Personal assessment of management and leadership behaviours, skills and styles
    • Leadership Framework
    • Defining the nature and purpose of clinical management and leadership
  • Day 2 - Organisational Cultures
    • The role of clinical leaders in developing organisational cultures
    • The impact of culture on delivery of high quality care
    • What we can learn from cultures in poorly performing organisations
  • Day 3 - Performance Management
    • The role of clinical managers and leaders in establishing and maintaining high standards of care
    • Mechanisms for reviewing individual, team and organisational performance
  • Day 4 - Features of highly performing organisations and Connecting the service
    • What constitutes high performance and how activities of clinical managers and leaders are measured, both internally and externally, to include the CQC, Monitor and the GMC
    • International evidence – both public and private sectors
    • Patient, community and staff engagement
    • Systems working
    • Assignment preparation
Next Course
  • End Point Assessment – Advanced Practice

To apply you will need to apply for the Postgraduate Certificate
