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Master’s by Research projects in Health Sciences


Warwick Medical School’s MSc by Research (Health Sciences) degree gives you the opportunity to address significant and exciting questions within the field of Health Sciences. This is a one-year research degree can be studied on a full time or part time basis (the course start date will be 2 October 2023) during which you will be able to undertake a project which matches your research interests and career objectives. This programme will act as a stepping stone to a career in research in academia or industry.

Why study with us?

As a research student at Warwick Medical School, you'll join a vibrant community of students, educators and researchers. We have a proven track record in excellence in teaching across our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, training the best talent to help solve some of the world's most pressing health problems. We're equally as passionate about research as we are education and with the University of Warwick being ranked 7th overall among UK research universities (REF: 2021), you'll be working alongside internationally-renowned research academics as part of your studies.
Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Research Groups, part of the Division of Health Sciences, are a unique combination of experts in psychiatry, public health, cardiovascular health, psychology, social sciences and community paediatrics, interested in a life course approach. Their research activities include epidemiology, trials of complex interventions at individual, family and community levels, and understanding socio-cultural and environmental determinants of mental health and wellbeing. Our academic teams and staff are internationally renowned for their impact on improving mental health and wellbeing across the life span, and in both clinical groups and the general population.

Course content and project titles

You will work on a research project for 12 months (or 24 months if part time) and take part in regular cohort activities where you will receive training in research integrity, science communication and critical appraisal of the literature. Funding is specifically available from the NIHR Applied Research Council (ARC) West Midlands centre for the following project:


Students will undertake an independent research project and submit a thesis of less than 40,000 words. The thesis will be assessed by an internal and an external examiner who will decide whether a viva is required. 

Entry requirements

Applicants should hold at least an upper second class (UK honours) degree or equivalent. If you hold an international qualification, please consult the International Office webpages for information on UK equivalents.

If you were not educated in English, you will be expected to obtain one of the following recognised English Language qualifications:

  • IELTS (British Council International Testing System) overall score of at least 6.5 (with no minimum component scores below 6.0)
  • TOEFL (iBT) overall score of at least 92 (with minimum component scores of Reading 22, Listening 21, Speaking 23, Writing 21)

For further information, please visit the Graduate School English Language Information and Entry Requirements webpage.

Fees and funding

The ARC WM scholarship will fund the research costs for the project. Travel grants are available to students, up to £500. The form and travel fund policy can be found here.

The ARC WM scholarship will cover the academic fees for home students.

For full time studies, the student will likely receive a stipend of £1,516.67 (tbc) per month to support living costs and is tax free. For part-time studies, the stipend is typically calculated around 60% of the full time rate. Please contact our Research Degrees Team for further information.

How to apply

Students are encouraged to contact Dr Helena Tuomainen ( before application.

Applications should be made online at

You will apply for the course: MSc (by Research) in Health Sciences (RMDA-B92P)


The deadline for applications is Thursday 11 May 2023 and interviews would likely take place on Friday 26 May 2023.


Programme Director
Helena Tuomainen


One year full time or two years part time.


The deadline for applications is Thursday 11 May 2023 and interviews would likely take place on Friday 26 May.