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Freya Beardsley - University of Geneva

Freya Beardsley is a final year BSc Health and Medical Sciences student that undertook the summer abroad option. She went to University of Geneva and was based at Prof Pierre Coisson’s lab, and studied Phagocytosis and host-pathogen interactions.

What attracted you to the HMS course study abroad programme?

I had always wanted to apply for courses with a study abroad option, so when I saw the call for study abroad, I was very interested in applying. Studying at the University of Geneva was 1 of 4 programmes available that the Study Abroad Coordinator, Leda, had arranged. There were also the options of studying at universities in Madrid, Melbourne and Belgium. I chose Geneva because the programme suited me best in terms of the location and the lab I would be working in, and the work I would be doing.

How long did you spend at University of Geneva? 

I went over at the end of June 2022, and spent a few days getting to know the area, and started the programme at the beginning of July. It was a 10-week programme, and I finished early September 2022.

What was the first thing you did as part of the programme?

I had a really good induction including introduction to the lab. This was really helpful as it included basics and observing which was really interesting and helpful to me as I hadn’t done any work in the lab previously.

What did you learn as part of the programme?

The more time I spent in the lab, the more interesting it got, as I gained more responsibility, such as looking after my own cell cultures. Towards the end of the programme, I was able to undertake my own supervised experiments, which I really enjoyed, and really helped develop my confidence in lab work.

I was paired with a PhD student who helped me in the lab but also helped me integrate socially so I could fully experience the summer abroad programme.

 Did you have any experiences outside of the lab?

I did a lot of travelling around the area, because of the location I could visit lots of places such as taking a coach trip to Venice, which was an interesting experience! It has also given me an appetite for travelling.

What did you enjoy most about the programme?

It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done, and I learned so much about myself as part of the experience. I enjoyed the practical learning of being in the lab and working with others, but also It really helped with my confidence and self-development. It’s the best opportunity I’ve undertaken to facilitate academic and personal growth.

How do you think the experience helped you?

I have been able to refer to the experience in my applications for future opportunities, having the lab work experience abroad has really improved my prospects and helps my application to stand out. I’ve been able to talk about the experience in a Geneva university lab, but also the practical aspects in my interviews which has been very positive.

 Has this changed the way you think about future options?

It has really helped shape the way i think about my future career opportunities and the environment i would like to work in.

 Do you have any advice for anyone thinking about the study abroad programme

Definitely do it, i felt quite scared as some of my friends who were due to do it took other opportunities, but I’m so glad i did. I learned so much about myself whilst i was there. My self-confidence and my independence really developed. I also took a break from social media as you could only use wifi, and this was also really good.

I would say that the funding needs to be more available, as this would help some people. I received Turing funding, and also saved quite a bit, but you do need to prepare for the experience.

 What are your plans after you graduate?

I am looking at opportunities to study Therapeutic Radiography to support the treatment of cancer with radiation, either as an apprenticeship or at masters study level. The experience has also made me want to travel, so i will be backpacking in Mexico over the summer before i move to my next opportunity.



If you are interested in inding out more about the BSc Health and Medical Sciences Study Abroad programme please contact Dr Leda Mirbahai -