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Mind the gap - Programme Wednesday 21 April 2021

  • Networking opportunities: One of the highlights of the Midlands Conference in normal years is the opportunity to link up with colleagues from other schools. We will be providing space for this to happen over lunchtime - look out for more details soon!
  • Burning questions: An area we would like to expand is giving schools the opportunity to ask each other, "What do you do?" in tricky situations and share learning and experience. We will be doing this using padlet. If you have a burning question you would like to consider please email Kate - katherine dot owen at warwick dot ac dot uk.


Good morning Warwick!

Warwick’s version of breakfast TV!

Drop in when you are ready and make sure your tech is working. Relax, be entertained and experience a flavour of Warwick.


Welcome: Prof Colin Macdougall, Head of Medical Education, WMS


Keynote: "The challenges for diversity education in the medical curriculum; diversity, inclusion and differential attainment” Emeritus Professor Nisha Dogra

(Keynote information)


Coffee Break


School showcase presentations (Abstracts )

  • Aston: First-person real-time videos for teaching skills to medical students – with an example for basic life support, Neil Cocklin, Sian Cree & Alveena D’Souza
  • Lincoln: Widening Access and Participation – Our mission for a new Medical School, David O’Brien, Sarah Vickers, Connie Barton & Rory Howard
  • Leicester: Training Medical Students to be Health Care Assistants: Sharing our first pilot findings and progress, Elizabeth Anderson & Kishan Patel
  • Warwick: Student-staff collaboration at Warwick: development of a peer teaching certificate, Clarissa Brierley

Lunch & networking


Panel Discussion – Equality and Attainment Gap in medicine: Strategies to Close the Gap

  • Emeritus Prof Nisha Dogra, University of Leicester
  • Dr Margot Turner, Senior Lecturer in Diversity and Medical Education, St Georges, London and Chair of DIMAH (Diversity in Medicine and Healthcare)
  • Dr Nariell Morrison, Alumni University of Warwick
  • Ololade Obadare, Student University of Nottingham
  • Miriam Addo, Student University of Birmingham

Coffee Break


Parallel Workshops (Abstracts)


Summary & take-away actions



Conference Question:

In keeping with our theme for this year, 'Mind the gap': What are you doing – or planning to do – to make your teaching inclusive and address the attainment gap?

Burning questions

From Warwick: "How do other schools monitor attendance in clinical settings without being either too draconian or too trusting?"