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Mind the Gap - Workshops

WS1 - Supporting students with disabilities

Dr Carol Gray & Dr Matt Webb, Keele University

This workshop will explore current GMC guidance aimed at supporting medical students with disabilities. This will be an interactive session during which attendees will have the opportunity to critically appraise the process for reasonable adjustments at Keele University Medical School using examples of requests as a focus for discussion.

WS2 - Activating learning of complex physiological concepts through the use of space and gamification of medical education at Aston Medical School

Dr Claire Hepburn & Dr Duane Mellor, Aston University

The aim of this session is to explore the opportunities which can be provided through the application of gamification of learning within phase 1 medical education at Aston Medical School. Two approaches to this will be explored, along with sample activities during this session, so participants can experience how these approaches can be used to present what, at times, are perhaps abstract physiological concepts.

The first experience is based on a revision session ‘Escape Room’ themed around content delivered in year 1 as part of the cardiovascular system block. The format of the ‘Escape Room’ is a series of stages completed in small teams. All stages will test understanding of key concepts which can be linked to develop learning using a variety of embedded learning technologies employed at Aston Medical School. Peer-supported team-based discussion will be encouraged and the fastest team to finish with all correct responses will win a prize!

The second experience will be to model the renal counter-current system, which is often considered to be a challenging and abstract concept. This is part of a teaching session, which has been expanded to a multi-room nephron model to provide interactive challenges to support the learning of renal physiology and pathophysiology. This active model builds the osmolarity gradient in the loop of Henle within the juxtamedullary nephron. This demonstrates how the counter-current can facilitate the concentration of urine, , via reabsorption of water passively in the descending loop and active reabsorption of sodium in the thick ascending limb.

WS3 - Creating and using 3D printed artefacts to learn anatomy

Steve Jacques, Zobia Wadi, Sudiksha Devendra Kumar, Sujata Dutta & Terese Bird

This session will comprise presentation, “virtual-hands-on” learning, and discussion, and will consist of two parts:

1) Creating and modifying 3D printed artefacts using scans, photogrammetry techniques and 3D Slicer software.

2) Learning the articulation of carpal bones with distal radius and ulna, and demonstrating principles of compression, as an exemplar anatomy tutorial using these artefacts.

Examples of various 3D printed items in medical education will be discussed along with artefacts available for examination, and participants’ views of future steps for this exciting learning method solicited.

WS4 - Faculty development: Establishing peer observation for clinical teachers

Heather McNeilly & Marium Khan, University of Birmingham

Our approach to encouraging a program of peer observation of teaching among our clinical teachers, as one among a range of faculty development opportunities offered to clinical staff who teach medical students. We will cover the rationale and recruitment for our faculty development activity as well as a synopsis of content and example activities from the session.

WS5 - Understanding and supporting well-being in medical education

Anna Rosselli, University of Nottingham

The workshop will begin by exploring well-being, stress, burnout and resilience, comparing and contrasting their different definitions. Delegates will have the opportunity to explore their own understandings of the different terms and reflect on the presented definitions.

The second half of the workshop will outline a theory-based approach to supporting well-being. Delegates will then have the opportunity to consider how the insights from the theory can be applied in their own work as medical educators.

WS6 - To what extent can inclusive assessment principles address awarding gaps and increase student satisfaction with the assessment process?

Rebecca Stack & David Thewlis, University of Birmingham

Typically, the key principles of inclusive assessment include consideration of:

  • Assessment design
  • Preparing students for assessment
  • Involving students in the assessment process
  • Constructive and meaningful feedback/feedforward

This workshop will ask participants consider the extent to which these principles are used in our selection, design and implementation of traditional forms of assessment in medical education (e.g., Single Best Answer Multiple Choice Questions, Observed Structured Clinical Examinations and work-based assessments). Participants will be asked to consider different approaches to inclusive assessment which maintain authenticity, validity and reliability used across medical schools, and whether there is scope for practice improvements. Participants will be asked to consider whether the application of inclusive assessment principles can address awarding gaps, or whether other strategies are required.

The final part of the workshop will consider student satisfaction with assessment. Evidence from student focus groups highlights that some students have concerns about the unfair advantage gained by some groups of students (particularly, students who are part of networks that allow for the sharing of assessment related resources and peer support networks which create ‘hidden formative assessment support’ not accessible to all groups). There are also concerns about variation between examiners and examiner bias. What can we do to assure students that we are addressing all forms of bias in the assessment process?

Workshop participants will be asked to consider examples of inclusive assessment practice from their own institutions to share with others, and also consider their aspirations for inclusive assessment design within their own setting. This workshop will be an opportunity exchange practice, and consider new approaches to inclusivity and bias reduction in medical assessment.

WS7 - Teaching with Active Racial Awareness

Imogen Davies, Olanrewaju Sorinola & Catherine Bennett, University of Warwick

This session showcases work done at Warwick Medical School to increase awareness of, and appropriate responses to, racism. It is not a ‘usual’ equality and diversity workshop. Arising from our work on the Attainment Gap, we will cover information about racism, support, and tips on responding well, integrated with scenario discussion. We will share experiences of setting up and running our workshops in active racial awareness.

This session will enable participants to:

  • Recognise racism in some educational settings.
  • Learn some skills of active racial awareness and understand how to respond to racism in educational settings.
  • Know some of the resources necessary to assist their own institution in becoming more actively aware of racism.