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Education meetings and events

This page lists events organised and facilitated by the MBChB education team. Some events are open more widely, please see individual calendar entries for details. We may also add other events of interest to the MBChB education team.

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MB ChB Anchor Day

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Location: Medical School Building A0.30

9.30 – 10.15: Journal Club with Catherine Bennett

Check back here for the article from Thurs 10th August.

10.30 – 11.15: What’s going on in Medical Education? Colin Macdougall

There' s so much going on in Med Ed at the moment - from all the fun things people have been finding out about at ASME/AMEE to all of the big political things (expansion, UKMLA, changes to F1 etc. etc.)

This will be an informal session led by the issues people bring and the things people want to know more about. It may become a regular slot if it is felt to be useful!

Come with your 'best lessons' from any conferences you've been to and your 'key questions' about medical education for the next 5 years or so.

11.15 – 11.45 Coffee & cake

Bring your refreshments for an informal catch-up!

11.45 – 12.30: Assessment Question-Writing Workshop with Ricardo & Collette

Upskill your assessment writing.

13:30 - 14:30 Introduction to VR/XR afternoon (A030)

Our journey into VR so far (A030) Find out more about the trials and outputs of the HEE funded projects led by Michele, Kerry and Cath.

Facilitating for equity: a student VR experience (A030) Come and experience the finished product of a WIHEA project led by Leda, Kate and students from MBChB and HMS. This virtual reality experience will enable you to experience group work from a student perspective and help develop your own facilitator skills to ensure all students are able to contribute.

Holographic experiences in healthcare training Come and hear about research and development of AR educational experiences from Ruby Woodward, Cambridge PhD student demonstrating use of GigXR.

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee & cake

Bring your refreshments for an informal catch-up!

15:00 - 16:00 Virtual and extended reality experiences A030) A range of devices and experiences will be available for you to discover new experiences.

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