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MBChB Combined OSCE Examiner Training Form

Contact Information

Please complete the following to ensure that we retain the most up to date information on our examiners and are able to contact you about upcoming exams.

Diversity, Inclusion & Statutory Monitoring

The University is committed to developing a fully inclusive University community, which recruits and retains talented individuals from all sectors of society equally. We believe that every individual should be treated with dignity, respect, and be part of a working and learning environment that is free from barriers. We invite you to provide information about yourself in this section so that we can assess how well our Diversity and Inclusion Policy (please see Social Inclusion Group ( is working, evaluate what we are doing to meet the needs of people that make up our community and comply with our legal duties to advance equality.

Workshop Feedback

To ensure we deliver the best possible examiner training, it would be really helpful to receive your thoughts on the training session that you attended.

1. How useful did you find this course in preparing you to be an OSCE examiner for Warwick Medical School. Please select the description that best reflects your opinion. (required)
Privacy notice

Thank you for completing the above details.

Once a completed feedback form is received your Certificate of Attendance will be sent via email.

Many thanks for taking the time to help us to improve our workshops.

We will record your sensitive personal information on our system, to which access is tightly controlled. Only a limited number of individuals can view sensitive personal information where this is necessary as part of their job, and they will treat it with the strictest confidence. There is an option for you to select “prefer not to say” for sensitive questions. If you do not provide any answer for a question, then we treat you as having ticked “prefer not to say”.

Information that we collect from individuals in this section is used by the University to generate aggregated statistics. The purposes of collecting this data is for monitoring equality, diversity and inclusion. The data will be shared with only University staff interested in equality, diversity and inclusion.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

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