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MBChB WP Summer School

Medical Teaching Centre

Saturday 13th July - Sunday 14 July 2024

9.30am - 4:00pm

Looking forward to welcoming many of you to Warwick Medical School!

Are you interested in studying Medicine and becoming a Doctor? Do you come from an under-represented background? Are you interested but unsure if Medicine is right for you? Join WMS for our WP Summer School!

During this two-day virtual/onsite event you'll have the chance to hear from current Warwick Medical School students and ask them questions about the application process and how they've found the course so far. There'll also be opportunities to talk to members of the teaching team, attend sample lectures and take part in workshops where you'll learn how to succeed at interviews, ace the admissions test and write a fantastic personal statement!


Among other activities, the Summer School will include:

  • An insight into a day in the life of a medical student
  • Talks by doctors and surgeons
  • Workshops on applying to medical school
  • Sample lectures
  • An introduction to Case Based Learning, a type of student-directed learning we use on our course
  • Advice on what to do if you don't get accepted onto a Medicine degree the first time round

Eligibility and registration

The Summer School is open to 18-year-olds school age pupils as well as undergraduate or postgraduate University students who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine, and who one or more of the following criteria:

  • Those living in a geographical area with low levels of progression onto higher education
  • From a low income household
  • An asylum seeker or refugee
  • First generation to higher education: from a family where both parents or carers have not been to University
  • Be in receipt of free school meals
  • Are a young carer
  • Estranged from your parents or guardians
  • Are a looked after child
  • From Black, Asian, and Ethnic Minority backgrounds
  • Have a disability

    Registration Now Open: