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1st International BioDesign Research Conference

Organised by Professor Alfonso Jaramillo and colleagues, the 1st International BioDesign Research Conference will be held 1-18 December 2020 via Zoom. The conference will showcase the latest achievements and research progress in the field of Biosystems Design and Synthetic Biology.
Find out more and register.

Tue 13 Oct 2020, 10:05 | Tags: Conference Faculty of Science

School of Engineering News Read more from School of Engineering News

Warwick Technology Conference: Rise of the Machines

On November 9th, Warwick Engineering Society hosted their largest ever event at the University of Warwick. Warwick Technology Conference: Rise of the Machines brought together 500 university students, college students and researchers from across the Midlands for a day of speakers, workshops and panel discussions. The event was held in the brand-new £19M Oculus building, and featured speakers discussing topics in robotics and manufacturing.

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