MSc by Research Projects
The MSc by Research degree emphasises training and original research on a specialised project. These are in similar areas to PhD projects, but must be completed within 12 months and so are more focused.
Applications for the MSc by Research degree can be made at any time with several start dates throughout the year.
Research areas and potential supervisors
The research undertaken in the department covers the 6 broad areas below. You should first identify a research area which interests you and contact potential supervisors to discuss projects.

Astronomy & Astrophysics
Interested in stars and planets, how they live and how they die, and the exotic physics processes that they allow us to explore.

Centre for Fusion, Space & Astrophysics
Focusing on plasma physics applied to the grand challenges of magnetic and inertial fusion power, space physics, solar physics, and astrophysics.

Condensed Matter Physics
Carrying out research across a broad range of fundamental and applied problems in solid state physics and materials science.

Elementary Particle Physics
Researching the fundamental particles of matter and the forces by which they interact.

Medical Physics
Activity in medical physics and imaging research, working in tandem with University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire.

Theoretical Physics
Working on problems in non-equilibrium biophysics, the dynamics of complex fluids, the electronic properties of materials, and quantum information science.