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Physics Options

All the modules (including core modules) are loosely grouped according to subject matter in the list below. Although any combination of the optional modules is allowed, you should bear in mind that modules on similar topics tend to reinforce each other. This is particularly the case for Quantum Theory. It is also advisable to take the third year modules in each of the categories in which you intend to take fourth year modules.

The subject areas, with fourth year modules in italics, are:


The Distant Universe

Classical Physics I

Fluid Dynamics (core for MMathPhys, taught by the Maths Department)
Electrodynamics (core for MMathPhys students)
Kinetic Theory (core for MMathPhys students)
Statistical Physics
General Relativity

Classical Physics II - Plasmas

Plasma Electrodynamics
High Energy Astrophysics
Solar Magnetohydrodynamics
Physics of Fusion Power

Quantum Theory

Quantum Physics of Atoms (core for MMathPhys)
Quantum Theory of Interacting Particles (not running 2015/16)
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Gauge Theories for Particle Physics

Quantum Phenomena I - Particles and Nuclei

The Standard Model
Nuclear Physics
Advanced Particle Physics
Neutrino Physics

Quantum Phenomena II - Condensed Matter

Condensed Matter Physics
Structure and Dynamics of Solids
Functional Properties of Solids


(These are modules designed in part to show how the ideas and methodologies of physics are used and valued in other disciplines such as meteorology, materials science and medicine.)

Weather and Environment
Physics in Medicine

Skills Training

Laboratory for Maths/Physics Students (core for MMathPhys, not available to BSc)
Communicating Science (core for BSc, not available to MMathPhys)
Scientific Progamming
Physics Project (core for MMathPhys)
High Performance Computing in Physics