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Progress & Assessment

As in the first year a record is kept of your attendance at core Physics lectures. Your Tutor will also keep a record of you attendance at tutorials. Any student whose attendance is unsatisfactory will be required to discuss the matter with the Director of Studies.


As you know we operate a credit accumulation scheme whereby your performance in all years of your course count towards your final degree classification. The actual scheme used depends on the programme you are following as described elsewhere.

To pass the year you are required to get an overall mark of at least 40%, and to have passed whole module worth at least 60 CATS as described here.


Assessment for the mathematics modules varies. Details of the required coursework are listed for each course in its module outline. Most other modules have formal examinations but a number are assessed by coursework. Introduction to Business Studies is assessed by means of a multiple choice and short answer test.

The Physics core lectured modules, PX276 Methods of Mathematical Physics, PX262 Quantum Mechanics and its Applications, PX263 EM Theory and Optics and PX265 Thermal Physics II are assessed by the combination of an examination (85%) and assessed coursework (15%). The form of the coursework may vary from module to module.

Most other physics modules have formal examinations but PX277 Computational Physics is 100% assessed. Language modules typically have both assessed (40%) and examined (60%) components.


The organisation of the examinations set by the Physics Department involves 7.5 CATS modules having a one hour examination. PX262 Quantum Mechanics and its Applications has a two hour examination. Examinations are held at two points during the year - week 30 (i.e. immediately after the Easter vacation) and in May/June (weeks 35-38). The configuration and timetable of the Physics papers are as follows:

Week 30

  • PX276 Methods of Mathematical Physics
  • PX266X
    • A - PX266 Geophysics
    • B - PX273 Physics of Electrical Power Generation

Weeks 35 to 38

  • PX262 Quantum Mechanics and its Applications (2 hours)
  • PX263X
    • A - PX263 Electromagnetic Theory and Optics
    • B - PX265 Thermal Physics II
  • PX264X
    • A - PX264 Physics of Fluids
    • B - PX267 Hamiltonian Mechanics
  • PX268 Stars
  • PX274 Experimental Particle Physics

The examinations for any language module will be held in May/June.

Note that the examinations for Analysis III, Algebra 1: Advanced Linear Algebra and Vector Analysis are also usually scheduled in week 30.

The examination results are expected to be available on the last day of Term 3.

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