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Course Regulations MMathPhys

The third year of the four year (MMathPhys) degree is comprised of a compulsory core with further modules chosen from option lists.

Students are required to take the core modules. Enough options have to be taken in order to raise the total load to at least 120 CATS credits. At least 52.5 CATS credits must be taken from the lists of optional modules with at least 15 CATS credits from List A. Candidates may substitute modules from the Mathematics Third Year List A for modules in List A below. External options may also be chosen subject to approval by the Head of the Department of Physics.

The maximum is 150 CATS credits.

Core Modules Weeks CATS Credit
MA3D1 Fluid Dynamics 15-24 15
PX382 Quantum Physics of Atoms 1-5 7.5
PX384 Electrodynamics 1-5 7.5
PX423 Kinetic Theory 20-24 7.5
PX442 Laboratory for Maths/Physics Students 15-24 15
Option List A    
MA222 Metric Spaces 15-24 12
MA225 Differentiation 15-24 12
MA359 Measure Theory 1-10 15
MA390 Topics in Mathematical Biology 1-10 15
MA3B8 Complex Analysis 15-24 15
MA3G1 Theory of PDEs 15-24 15
MA3G7 Functional Analysis I: Applied Analysis 1-10 15
Option List B    
PX308 Physics in Medicine 15-19 7.5
PX350 The Weather and the Environment 1-5 7.5
PX366 Statistical Physics 6-10 7.5
PX385 Condensed Matter Physics 6-10, 15-19 15
PX387 Astrophysics 15-24 15
PX389 Cosmology 20-24 7.5
PX390 Scientific Programming 1-10 7.5
PX392 Plasma Electrodynamics 6-10 7.5
PX395 The Standard Model 20-24 7.5
PX396 Nuclear Physics 15-19 7.5
PX397 Galaxies 6-10 7.5

Where the timetable permits this, you may take other modules (not already taken) from List A of the Mathematics third year or from the physics third year, but please note that that Maths/Physics students are NOT permitted to take either

PX391 Nonlinearity Chaos and Complexity or
PX440 Mathematical Methods for Physicists III.

These modules cover material met in mathematics modules on differential equations and in MA231 Vector Analysis and MA209 Variational Principles.

You may NOT take PX309 Physics Project, PX376 Communicating Science or PX424 Group Project.


Where options are taken, so that the load exceeds the normal load, the marks for all modules attempted will appear on your University transcript. The overall year mark will be calculated as the arithmetic mean of the subset of whole modules, weighted according to their credit weighting, which satisfies the course regulations and results in the highest mark.

Before contemplating an overload you should discuss it with your personal tutor. We will be monitoring your registrations and you may be asked to discuss the situation with the Director of Studies or the Director of Student Experience.

At various points in this handbook (and possibly in discussion with students in higher years) you will see reference to the Seymour Formula. This does NOT apply to students joining in 2013 or subsequent years. You should take extra modules only if they interest you. Your Tutor will advise on option choices if asked.

Unusual Options

You may take as unusual options second year mathematics modules you did not take last year. A 30 lecture second year module counts for 12 CATS credits.

The modules listed in the formal regulations are the ones that you will automatically be permitted to register for. If you wish to take an unusual option you should consult our document on unusual options. It is our experience that for most students the normal load is the most appropriate load, and only in exceptional circumstances should students take an overload of more than 15 CATS. Before contemplating an overload you should discuss it with your personal tutor. We will be monitoring your registrations and you may be asked to discuss the situation with the director of studies.


  • To illustrate the role of mathematics in describing and analysing phenomena observed in nature
  • To offer students the chance to continue their study of pure mathematics
  • To cover the application of quantum and statistical mechanics to describe phenomena in condensed matter and nuclei
  • To expand students' understanding and knowledge of fundamental physics, particularly quantum and statistical physics, and electromagnetism
  • To develop students' ability to work independently and to communicate well


At the end of the third year, you should

  1. Have a good understanding of the methodology and techniques of applied mathematics, particularly fluid mechanics
  2. Have an understanding of how quantum and classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and statistical physics can be used to explain phenomena observed in some of: the atmosphere, plasmas, stars and condensed matter
  3. Have worked as a member of a team to produce an extended report on some topic in mathematics or physics

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