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Course Regulations

The final year of the four year (MMathPhys) degree has a single compulsory component, the Project, with further modules chosen from option lists.

You are required to take the core module. Enough options have to be taken in order to raise the total load to at least 120 CATS credits. You should choose modules totalling at least 60 CATS credits from the list of optional modules including at least 15 CATS credits from List A and at least 15 credits from List B. Over your third and fourth years combined, you must take at least 120 CATS credits derived from level 4 modules (those with a MA4** or PX4** code). Subject to the approval of the Chair of the Department of Physics, external options, may also be taken. The maximum is 150 CATS credits.

Core Module Weeks CATS Credit
PX402 Physics Project 1-10, 15-24 30
Option List A    
PX408 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 15-19 7.5
PX416 High Energy Astrophysics 20-24 7.5
PX420 Solar Magnetohydrodynamics 6-10 7.5
PX425 High Performance Computing in Physics 1-10 7.5
PX430 Gauge Theories for Particle Physics 20-24 7.5
PX431 Structure and Dynamics of Solids 1-10 15
PX432 Functional Properties of Solids 15-24 15
PX435 Neutrino Physics 20-24 7.5
PX436 General Relativity 1-10 15
PX437 Exo-Planets 1-5 7.5
PX438 Physics of Fusion Power 15-19 7.5
PX444 The Distant Universe 15-19 7.5
PX445 Advanced Particle Physics 1-10 15
Option List B    
MA390 Topics in Mathematical Biology 1-10 15
MA3G8 Functional Analysis II: Linear Analysis 15-24 15
MA424 Dynamical Systems 1-10 15
MA433 Fourier Analysis 1-10 15
MA4A7 Quantum Mechanics: Basic Principles and Probabilistic Methods 15-24 15
MA4G4 Introduction to Theoretical Neuroscience 15-24 15
MA4L0 Advanced Topics in Fluids 15-24 15
Any lecture module in Lists A or C of fourth year of the Maths course not already taken in year 3   15/18

Level 4 Requirement

Please note the requirement to take at least 120 CATS of level 4 modules (those with MA4** or PX4** codes). You have already taken at least 22.5 CATS credits (Maths/Phys Laboratory 15 and Scattering and Spectroscopy 7.5).

Third Year Physics Modules

Where the timetable permits this, you may take physics modules from the third year you have not already taken. Please note that:

  • The new module PX385 Condensed Matter Physics may not be taken because of its overlap with the withdrawn PX393 Crystal Physics.

Seymour Formula

When your actual load L differs from the normal load N, then your overall mark for the year is computed using the Seymour formula. As a consequence taking more than the normal load can raise your total credit slightly, provided that the extra work on the additional options does not result in lower marks on the rest of your course. It is our experience that for most students the normal load is the most appropriate load, and only in exceptional circumstances should students take an overload of more than 18 CATS. Before contemplating an overload you should discuss it with your personal tutor. We will be monitoring your registrations and you may be asked to discuss the situation with the director of studies.

Unusual and Outside Options

There are no outside options listed in the course regulations. However, certain outside options may be taken with the approval of the Director of Studies.If you wish to take an unusual option you should consult our document on unusual options prior to taking any such modules.

Please note that Maths/Physics students are NOT permitted to take PX440 Mathematical Methods for Physicists III, which covers material met in MA231 Vector Analysis and MA209 Variational Principles. They may also NOT take PX391 Nonlinearity Chaos and Complexity, which contains material covered in differential equations modules taught by the Mathematics Department.

In choosing your options you may wish to note that Mathematics options taught in term 1 are usually examined in the first week of term 3.

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