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Course Regulations

The programme consists of a core with further modules taken from options lists. Enough options have to be taken in order to raise the total load to at least 120 CATS credits, which is defined to be the normal load for this course, up to a normal maximum of 150 CATS. You must choose at least 22.5 CATS worth of modules from List A.

Core Modules Weeks CATS Credit
PX262 Quantum Mechanics and its Applications 1-10, 15-24 15
PX263 Electromagnetic Theory and Optics 15-24 7.5
PX265 Thermal Physics II 20-24,30-34 7.5
PX271 Physics Skills 1-10, 15-24 30
PX275 Mathematical Methods for Physicists 1-10, 15-24 15
An appropriate Business Studies Module (see EMR) ** 6
    Total 88.5
Option List A    
PX264 Physics of Fluids 15-24 7.5
PX266 Geophysics 1-10 7.5
PX267 Hamiltonian Mechanics 1-10 7.5
PX268 Stars 15-24 7.5
PX270 C Programming 1-10 7.5
PX273 Physics of Electrical Power Generation 1-10 7.5
PX274 Experimental Particle Physics 15-24 7.5
IL0006 Climate Change 1-10 7.5
Option List B    
IE3E2 Introduction to Secondary School Teaching (Physics) 15-40 24
Modern Foreign Language* 1-20 24

*You are only permitted to take one foreign language module in any one year.

There is no Pass degree load for this programme as students are required to have an honours classification to proceed to the final year


Where options are taken, so that the load exceeds the normal load, the marks for all modules attempted will appear on your University transcript. The overall year mark will be calculated as the greater of: (a) The arithmetic mean of the marks for all modules taken, weighted according to their credit weighting; (b) The arithmetic mean of the subset of whole modules, weighted according to their credit weighting, which minimally satisfies the course regulations and results in the highest mark.

Before contemplating an overload you should discuss it with your personal tutor. We will be monitoring your registrations and you may be asked to discuss the situation with the Director of Studies or the Director of Student Experience.

At various points in this handbook (and possibly in discussion with students in higher years) you will see reference to the Seymour Formula. This does NOT apply to students joining in 2013 or subsequent years. You should take extra modules only if they interest you. Your Tutor will advise on option choices if asked.

Important Notice

The modules listed above are the ones that you will normally be permitted to register for. If you wish to take an unusual option you should consult our document on unusual options prior to taking any such modules. You will only be permitted to take one language course in any one year.

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