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Annual Leave Policy

It is expected that students will take periods of leave from their studies in order to maintain an appropriate work-life balance.

  • A maximum of eight weeks in the year including bank holidays and University closure days (pro rata for parts of a year for part-time students) is considered appropriate, and no single period of absence should exceed four weeks.*
  • Annual leave should be taken each year. Students are not entitled to carry forward leave from year to year, and will not receive any additional payment or training grant for unused periods of leave.
  • Research students are expected to manage their annual leave responsibly, ensuring it does not negatively impact on their studies, affect attendance at mandatory events, or prevent regular contact with their supervisor or supervisory team.
  • Taking a period of annual leave does not alter the end date of a student’s degree programme.
  • Annual leave must be agreed in advance with the supervisor or supervisory team.
  • If the student wishes to appeal a decision regarding annual leave, advice should be sought from the Director of Graduate Studies.
  • Where applicable, students must ensure compliance with any requirements of funding bodies and consider obligations to any non-academic partners with whom they may be working.
  • If the student’s programme includes taught modules, the student is required to attend all timetabled activities, including but not limited to lectures, seminars, workshops, assessments and examinations. Annual leave will not normally be granted during weeks with timetabled activities.
  • Students are advised not to book flights or any holidays for which deposits or payment has to be made before the annual leave is approved.
  • Where students add a period of annual leave to an overseas visit e.g. conference or project meeting, they will be responsible for meeting all the additional costs of travel, accommodation and subsistence incurred during their leave period.

Statutory and customary leave information

Bank holidays and University closure days Statutory & customary leave 2023-24 & 2024-25 (

UKRI-funded students

Please refer to Information for Research Council (UKRI) funded students on the Doctoral College website: PGR Annual Leave Policy (

* Tier 4 student visa holders

A separate policy exists for Tier 4 student visa holders. You will need to request Authorised Absence (AA) ( for periods of Annual leave. Please refer to the Student Immigration and Compliance webpages for information Warwick | Student Immigration | Authorised Absence (AA)