Work experience
Dates for 2025: Monday 14th April to Friday 17th April 2025
We have a small number of work experience placements available each year for students in Years 10-12.
The work experience placement will provide you with a broad insight into physics and what it would be like to work in a busy university physics department. You will spend time with our highly skilled research and technical staff learning about real-life physics problems and working on exciting research projects.
You can see some example schedules of what the week may look like:
Example work experience schedule 2024
Example work experience schedule 2023
Applications for our 2025 work experience are now open
Please complete the form or send your CV and Cover Letter to
Deadline for applications is Wednesday 26th February at 4pm.
See also the University's guidelines on safeguardingLink opens in a new window and child protectionLink opens in a new window.
Privacy statement: The data you provide is used solely to administer the process for work experience.
Our full work experience privacy notice is available.