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Physics Department News

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Martha Turvey wins best oral presentation at the British Liquid Crystal Society conference

Martha Turvey (Third year postgraduate student in the Ultrasound Group) has been announced as the winner of the best oral presentation prize at the British Liquid Crystal Society conference in April.

Professor Sandra Chapman attended the European Geosciences Union (EGU) meeting to receive her Hannes Alfvén Medal.

On Tuesday 16th April, Professor Chapman was presented her award at the annual EGU meeting in Vienna with over 15,000 people in attendance. Sandra also gave a lecture titled ‘Multiscale matters: when coupling across multiple scales drives the dynamics of solar system plasmas.’

PhD student awarded Best Student Poster Prize

Joe Gillham (2nd year PhD student in Radiation Dense Materials) has been awarded the Best Student poster Prize at the 12th International Conference on the Science of Hard Materials (ICSHM12) in Sri Lanka.Link opens in a new window

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