Events in Physics
Juie Sheyte (Warwick): Exploring the solar chromosphere with ground-based telescopes
Location: PS128
Abstract: The Sun's atmosphere consists of the photosphere, chromosphere and corona. The solar chromosphere bridges the photosphere and the corona. This dynamic layer is filled with events that evolve in a fraction of time and are very small in spatial scales. We use the biggest solar telescopes to zoom into this layer in order to understand such dynamic events.
In the talk, we discuss detailed observations of two different events guided by high-resolution and high-cadence observations. The first topic covers a statistical study of long thin jets called "spicules." Spicules wiggle and sway around to give an impression of waves propagating along them. These waves can travel with speeds of hundreds of kilometres per second, energising the solar chromosphere. The second topic is about swirling-whirling events that look like tornadoes. These churn matter from the lower photosphere to the chromosphere. Studying the behaviour of these events is vital in understanding a decade-long question in solar physics, that addresses the heating of the Sun’s atmosphere.
A future goal is to support such observation by performing Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations using LareXd, developed here at Centre for Fusion Space and Astrophysics (CFSA), University of Warwick. In the end, we would have a glimpse of what the future of ground-based observations holds. We will see the latest progress on next-generation solar telescope Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) and what we at CFSA, Warwick are expecting from it.