Events in Physics
Anti-Racism Staff Development Session
As part of our departmental Inclusive Education Action Plan, I’m pleased to let you know that we’ve arranged to have some bespoke anti-racism training in person. This has been arranged further to a meeting with the university’s lead for the Tackling Racial Inequality at Warwick Staff Development Programme, Dr Anil Awesti.
This session’s main focus will be microaggressions and is targeted at helping staff in feeling confident in recognising and dealing with situations.
The agreed day and time is: 1-4pm on Wednesday 28 February.
This session is intended for all staff in Physics and it will be most successful if we have a mix of perspectives and experiences from academic, professional services and technical staff. This first session will be for 30 people and we can arrange further dates.
Please sign up for this session or express interest in attending a future session here.