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Uploading information and managing the physics screens

There are 4 Digital Signage screens in and around Physics where we can directly upload information. These are being used to regularly update our staff and students as well as the general public about activities related to departmental research, teaching, events and people.

Current templates in use on the screens

We are currently using these templates as the base for the displayed information slides:

'Welcome to Physics' slides. Any images that you would like us to use here are welcome, please send them to either Leah or Hanako and we will use them.

Any information regarding new publications or funding can be advertised using these slides. Also, if you would like to advertise any research you are doing or upload any images from your research, please use this template.

Lectures and UG / PG SSLC seminars can be advertised using this template. All open days should be advertised using this template also.

This template should be used to advertise conferences, departmental colloquiums and seminars.

Use for new members of staff, retirement dos etc.

How to upload new information

If you want us to upload your information slide to these screens, please

  1. find the right category from the above 5 choices,
  2. download the appropriate PowerPoint slides,
  3. add you own slide at the end of the existing slides, making it look similar in style to the existing one,
  4. upload the new PowerPoint file using this uploads page,
  5. and be patient while we try to find some time to upload your slide.

Please keep in mind that the system currently requires manual upload of individual slides to individual screens, so please do not expect instant uploads to happen (a few days before an event in scheduled is more sensible). Also, the screen size is fixed, so please use the templates without changing the physical dimensions.

Further information about Digital Signage

You can find information about the universities digital signage project here, including content style information.