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Two Warwick researchers recognised as outstanding with European Research Council grants

Dr Charlotte Heath-Kelly of the Department of Politics and International Studies and Dr Joseph Sanzo from Classics and the Institute of Advanced Studies have each been awarded a €1.5M Starting Grant by the European Research Council in recognition of, and support for, their pioneering research. They are two of just 22 UK researchers chosen to receive awards in this funding round.

Retool AI to forecast and limit wars

Artificial Intelligence could be used to predict outburst of violence and probe their causes saving lives and billions of dollars across the world according to a panel of experts, including Dr Weisi Guo of the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick

Tue 23 Oct 2018, 13:33 | Tags: Computer Science, Terrorism, borders, AI

Bad news becomes hysteria in crowds, new research shows

News stories about terrorism, disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and other potential threats become increasingly negative, inaccurate and hysterical when passed from person to person, according to new research by the University of Warwick.

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