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How can a safe lockdown exit be designed? The case for a rolling age-release strategy

In a further contribution to the debate about how to balance the need to re-open the economy with the need to protect life, Warwick researchers Andrew Oswald and Nick Powdthavee point out the extreme dangers from any general kind of release from lockdown and present more detailed modelling on the fatality risks faced by different age groups. 

2011 Housing benefit reform was a false economy, researchers find

Government reforms to housing benefit introduced in 2011 were intended to save the public purse hundreds of millions. Research from University of Warwick economists has found that, far from saving money, the change in policy simply shifted burdens to local councils: for every pound central government saved in housing benefit, local authority spending on temporary housing costs went up by 53p.

Researchers look for better ways to help young people in care become independent adults

Better ways to support young people as they leave the care system and become independent adults are at the heart of a major new research project led by the Monash Warwick Alliance and supported by £2m grant from the Economic and Social Research Council.

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