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Left vs Right is dead – politics is about anarchists vs centrists, new CAGE study shows

Politics should no longer be divided between “left-wing” and “right-wing” because the vital dividing line between groups of voters is now between “anarchists” and “centrists”, a new study from the Centre for Competitive Global Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) shows today.

World War 2 – the economic battle

Professor Mark Harrison from Warwick’s Department of Economics is one of the experts featured this week in a new Radio 4 documentary series exploring the economic issues behind the start of World War 2.

Co-operatives and social enterprises may hold the key to more and better jobs

Academics from Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research have found that co-operatives and social enterprises achieve employment growth at least on a par with other types of organisation, and also create good quality jobs. The research is published by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound).

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