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Eatron and WMG win funding for project COBRA

A new partnership between Eatron Technologies and WMG, University of Warwick has been formed for the COBRA ('Cloud/Onboard Battery Remaining useful life Algorithm) project, thanks to the funding from the Faraday Battery Challenge.

Wed 25 Aug 2021, 11:02 | Tags: WMG, Engineering, Batteries, AI, electric vehicles, Sciences

UK’s most outstanding university/industry collaborations shortlisted for Bhattacharyya Award

The Royal Academy of Engineering and WMG, at the University of Warwick, have shortlisted 11 exceptional collaborations for the inaugural Bhattacharyya Award. With a cash prize of £25,000, the Bhattacharyya Award will be presented to the team who best demonstrate how industry and universities can work together. Winners will be announced on 16 September 2021.

High-value chemicals to be made from agricultural waste thanks to RAEng Fellowship

Dr Alexander Darlington from the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick has been awarded one of sixteen fellowships in the 20th cohort of Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships.

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