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English and Comparative Literary Studies celebrate awards and ranking success

One of the world’s leading English literature departments is celebrating awards, nominations, and grant success—and has once more secured a top 20 world ranking.

English and Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Warwick has been ranked 20th in the world for English Literature in the 2019 QS Subject Rankings, the third year in a row the department has achieved a top 20 ranking. The department was previously ranked 1st in REF2014.

Charles Dickens and the Ghost of Lille

Today we associate sharing ghost stories round a fire with Hallowe'en - but for the Victorians, a spine-chilling tale in front of the hearth was an essential Christmas tradition. It's one of which Charles Dickens was a master. But were his tales drawn from imagination...or from real life? Dr Fabio Camilletti from Warwick’s School of Modern Languages and Cultures investigates one possible source of Dickens' terrifying Christmas tales.

Tue 18 Dec 2018, 15:35 | Tags: Christmas, Modern Languages, Faculty of Arts, English

Belladonna announced as winner of 2018 Warwick Prize for Women in Translation

Belladonna by Daša Drndić, translated from Croatian by Celia Hawkesworth and published by Maclehose Press, has been announced as the 2018 winner of the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation.

Wed 14 Nov 2018, 11:48 | Tags: English, Warwick Prize for Women in Translation

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