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Press Releases

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The University of Warwick opens its science labs to support students from Aylesford School, Warwick

The University of Warwick has opened its science labs for A-Level students from Aylesford School, Warwick who have been affected by asbestos.

Mon 18 Dec 2023, 16:14 | Tags: Biology, Chemistry, schools

Clearing the skies for Santa this Christmas: The researchers tackling junk in space

As scores of children prepare to look to the skies this Christmas Eve, they will be relieved to know scientists are helping to clear a path for Santa in space.

Children from Coventry schools discuss legacy of the transatlantic slave trade at cathedral

400 school children have gathered at Coventry Cathedral to explore the impact of the transatlantic slave trade.

Wed 20 Jul 2022, 12:03 | Tags: Event, community, council, Coventry, schools, Colonial Hangover, football, PAIS

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