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Press Releases

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Political researchers to study how ideas become "framed" for debate

Who decides how political ideas are ‘framed,’ and how are these frames shared with others? A new international three-year project led by Dr Ozlem Atikcan of Warwick’s Department of Politics and International Studies, Professor Anna Holzscheiter of Germany’s TU Dresden, and Professor Jean- Frédéric Morin of Canada’s Université Laval aims to find out.

£1.3m doctoral scholarships in Global Sustainable Development for UK & EU students

The next generation of global sustainable development researchers is set to emerge thanks to a new kind of ‘transdisciplinary’ PhD programme at the University of Warwick for UK and EU students — made possible by £1,350,000 from the Leverhulme Trust.


Warwick researchers to explore the Milky Way & famous maths problem thanks to major European grant award

The ERC today, the 9th December, announced the winners of its latest Consolidator Grant competition for mid-career researchers. The funding is part of the EU’s current research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, and worth in total €655 million. With this support, the new grantees will be able to consolidate their teams and have far-reaching impact. The two Warwick academics who have received the award are Professor David Loeffler, from the Mathematics Institute, and Dr Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay from the Department of Physics.

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