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Dr Katherine Astbury appears on Radio 4's In Our Time to discuss Germaine de Staël

"A liberal writer and thinker who actively engaged in politics during the early years of the Revolution, she developed a new aesthetic path for the French novel through two essays, on fiction and on literature, and two major novels, Delphine and Corinne.", writes Dr Astubry of de Staël.

Thu 16 Nov 2017, 11:18 | Tags: Modern Languages

Authentic Napoleonic play to be staged at Richmond's Georgian Theatre Royal

The production forms part of part of a major four-year interdisciplinary project aiming to transform our understanding of theatre during the Napoleonic era by giving a clearer understanding of the complex interplay of art and politics in France at the beginning of the nineteenth century, lead by Dr Katherine Astbury of the University of Warwick's School of Modern Languages and Cultures.

Mon 21 Aug 2017, 14:32 | Tags: Modern Languages, French studies, research, Theatre

Napoleonic play extracts return to original Portchester Castle theatre, alongside new exhibition

A new permanent exhibition on Napoleonic prisoners and the theatre they built has been launched Portchester Castle, Hampshire with help from researchers at the University of Warwick – with scenes of an authentic play staged by the prisoners to be performed on the 5-6th August.

Tue 01 Aug 2017, 09:01 | Tags: University of Warwick, Modern Languages, French studies, Theatre

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