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Lead-acid battery lifespan to be increased for use in energy storage systems

Energy storage systems (ESS) are used in decentralised and complex electricity networks; lead-acid batteries could be a clean and green option for ESS. Researchers from WMG University of Warwick and Loughborough University will investigate how to optimise the management of lead-acid batteries in ESS use.

University of Warwick and WMG already on route with today’s CBI demand for “Greener Miles”

Future VLR vehicle on tour of Coventry

The University of Warwick is not just backing today’s CBI report ‘Greener Miles: Delivering on a net-zero vision for commuting’ – which calls on businesses to shoulder greater responsibility for ensuring their workers adopting greener travel habits – it has already taken action with a two year extensive programme to cut personal car use on campus and therefore reduce emissions.

Fri 30 Apr 2021, 09:33 | Tags: automotive, cars, WMG, Environment, autonomous vehicles, Batteries, VLR, transport

Solid-state batteries could be made more cleanly by scaling-up flash sintering

Densifying ceramics using flash sintering reduces energy use and may be used to improve the viability of manufacturing complex ceramic structures such as those required for solid state batteries by lowering the temperatures and shortening the duration of the heat treatment.

Tue 09 Mar 2021, 09:40 | Tags: manufacturing, WMG, Batteries, electric vehicles, Sciences

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