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University of Warwick Student appointed to Office for Students’ Disability in Higher Education Advisory Board

The Office for Students has today announced the appointment of Josh Bradbury, a student within the Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at the University of Warwick, to the Office for Students' Disability in Higher Education Advisory Board.

Fri 12 Apr 2024, 09:39 | Tags: disability, PAIS

Young disabled people experience institutional discrimination and stigmatisation in mainstream schools in England, research finds

New research by the University of Warwick has found that disabled young people in England experience institutional and structural discrimination in mainstream schools, with two thirds fewer achieving level 2 qualifications compared to non-disabled peers. Academics argue that these experiences are a key barrier to educational and occupational attainment.

Self-driving cars will be part of the future – but researchers fear we are leaving the disabled behind

Self-driving cars will be part of the future, but researchers fear people with disabilities are being left behind in the development of the technology.

Fri 22 Sept 2023, 11:58 | Tags: disability 1 - Research WMG

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