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Pre-term babies are less likely to form romantic relationships in adulthood

Adults who were born pre-term (under 37 weeks gestation) are less likely to have a romantic relationship, a sexual partner and experience parenthood than those born full term. The meta-analysis by researchers at the University of Warwick with data from up to 4.4 million adult participants showed that those born preterm are 28% less likely to ever be in a romantic relationship.

Fri 12 Jul 2019, 16:00 | Tags: psychology, mental health, infants, Sciences

Identified: The Families with the most Sibling bullying

Sibling bullying does have an effect on mental health later in life for both the victims and the bullies, it needs to be taken more seriously by parents and healthcare professionals. There are families where sibling bullying is more likely and can be prevented – says researchers in the Department of Psychology at the University of Warwick.

Thu 14 Feb 2019, 14:01 | Tags: children, psychology, bullying, infants, society, Sciences

Inadequate evidence to guide caffeine intake for breastfeeding mothers, review finds

A systematic review of the literature into the effects of caffeine on breastfed infants has concluded that there is no robust evidence for positive or negative effects of maternal caffeine consumption during breastfeeding on a breastfed child - according to Dr Yen-Fu Chen and graduate-entry medical student Aimee McCreedy of the Warwick Medical School.

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