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University of Warwick sees strong performance in Knowledge Exchange Framework results

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has published its new Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) data, which rates the impact UK universities have on their communities, regional and local business, and society more broadly. The University of Warwick scored highly in a number of the ratings categories.

Thu 29 Sep 2022, 17:04 | Tags: Community and region, rankings, kef, Regional Issues

Government’s new KEF report puts Warwick in top 10% of English universities for “Public and community engagement” and top 20% for “Working with Business”

The Government’s new Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) report published today, Wednesday 31st March 2021, shows that, in among universities and higher education providers in England, Warwick is in the top 10% for “Public and community engagement” and the top 20% for “Working with business”.