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Scottish steel industry needs to be revived to thrive

The value of the Scottish Steel sector in relation to the rest of the world and also the UK specifically has been analysed by researchers from WMG, University of Warwick, who have found investment could be the key to reviving the industry into a thriving industry.

Mon 25 Oct 2021, 14:27 | Tags: Economics, economy, Sciences, steel, WMG, Scotland

Smarter, greener, cleaner steel: £35 million boost for research to transform UK steel industry

A smart, green and clean steel industry will come a giant step closer thanks to a new £35 million research network, announced today, which will see steelmakers and University experts work together on a seven-year research programme to transform the UK steel sector.

Mon 11 Feb 2019, 11:00 | Tags: Environment, Materials, Sciences, WMG, manufacturing, steel

Lightweight steel production breakthrough: brittle phases controlled

High-strength, lightweight steels can finally be processed on an industrial scale, thanks to a breakthrough in controlling undesired brittle stages from production - by WMG, University of Warwick.