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Ever wondered why we have leap years?

Have you ever wondered why we have leap years?

Dr Minjae KimLink opens in a new window and Dr James McCormacLink opens in a new window from our Astronomy and Astrophysics Group explain the science behind leap years, and why it is so important that these are added to the calendar.

Find out what they said.

Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell visits the department and opens observatory

On Tuesday 7 November, Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell visited the university to host a guest lecture and mark the official opening of The Marsh Observatory.

2023 Christmas Lectures tickets

The Christmas Lectures are back this year and audiences can challenge AI to write a Christmas card, discover how animals inspired engineering, explore the colour spectrum, be surprised by snow and wish Sir Isaac Newton a Happy Birthday!

The lectures are based at Warwick Arts Centre and take place on Thursday 30 November and Thursday 7 December. Get your tickets.Link opens in a new window

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