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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Post Doctoral Prize Awarded

Congratulations to Dr Dmitrii Kolotkov who has been awarded the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Post Doctoral Prize in Physics. Dmitrii was awarded this for his work on 'Coronal seismology by slow waves in non-adiabatic conditions', doi: 10.3389/fspas.2022.1073664

Mon 05 Jun 2023, 11:10 | Tags: announcements, Awards, Faculty of Science

In memoriam: Professor John Forty

I have to report the very sad news that Professor John Forty, the founding professor of the Department of Physics, passed away on Sunday 14th May aged 94.

The leading position that the Department holds today is due, in no small measure, to the vision and leadership that John showed in setting up the Department in the 1960s, from his choice of staff and their research areas to the design of a building that has remained "fit for purpose" for many decades, despite the many changes in use that have occurred.

More information will be provided when available.

Mark Newton
Head of Department

Thu 18 May 2023, 14:18 | Tags: announcements, Staff and Department

Pivoting to COVID research during lockdown – an interview with Professor Rudo Römer, theoretical physicist

The worldwide COVID pandemic was a crisis unparalleled in recent history. The efforts of scientists and researchers around the world in mobilising to find vaccines, treatments, and explanations were equally unparalleled. In this article, we tell the story of one such research collaboration using their collective expertise in protein-modelling to help build a picture of the SARS-CoV-2 virus structure. Moreover, using modern collaborative writing tools, they were able to write up and publish their work during the height of the pandemic.

Tue 02 May 2023, 11:24 | Tags: Press, Staff and Department

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